TT8AMO Pierre Chad


HB9AMO, Pierre will be in Chad, operating holiday style like he did as 5U9AMO in 2013.

Pierre will be QRV as TT8AMO from mid-October till mid-November 2015

Mostly CW operation, may be a few SSB QSO on the CQWW SSB contest to give multipliers.

Online log on TT8AMO webpage uploaded when possible. Pierre will operate from various locations in Chad, sometimes with poor antenna possibilities, sometimes with better antenna possibilities.

Station: 21 years old TS-50 + MFJ971 tuner + long wire antenna. Logger 32 software.

LoTW will be uploaded by Pierre when he returns to Switzerland in December.

QSL Via M0URX direct letter or Via OQRS 


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Tim Beaumont