FT8 DXpedition QSO Completed?


With an abundance of DX’peditions about to take to the air on FT8 using Fox & Hounds it is very important to remember that you must have received “RR73” from the DX station for the QSO to be logged by the DX station.
Sending a screen shot of your signal report exchanges is absolutely pointless and useless. Please let me explain?

The file that counts is the FT8 text file from the DX station. I can search that file in seconds and bring up the exchange between the two stations, I am seeing this time and time again that the DX station has not received the report from the caller so the DX station cannot complete the contact with “RR73” so NO 2 way QSO has been completed.
You can send as many screen shots as you like to show that you sent a report but that does not show, and you do not see that the DX has not received that report and has not completed the QSO with you.
Look, it is as simple as this….. if I was on SSB and recorded myself calling the DXpediton, giving my report that is not proof that the DX heard me… NO QSO!
Please stop sending screen shots they are irrelevant! Try again to make another QSO, or wait until the end of the DXpedition and ask the QSL manager to check the text file of the DXpedition!

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Tim Beaumont