Category - Blog

TX5RV QSL Preview


The TX5RV Austral Island QSL card has been designed and will now be sent to the print room. I expect to be posting out the QSL cards in the second week of December, along with the QSL cards for the other recent activities of D44TXP and EA6/G4MKP.



EA6/G4MKP QSL Preview


QSL card for Terry EA6/G4MKP will soon be available for dispatch. Here is the QSL preview:


TX5RV Austral Islands OC-114


Don, VE7DS and Dave, K3EL are planning a mini-dxpedition to Raivavae, (FO/A, Austral Islands, IOTA OC-114) from 30 October to 6 November 2013. The Austral Islands are currently 44th on the Club Log “most wanted” list, very high for a fly-in destination, with a particularly low percentage of Club Log users having contacts on 10 or 12 m. Callsign will be TX5RV.

Full information on this DXpediton including propagation prediction models, equipment and azimuthal map click the link: TX5RV – Raivavae – Austral Islands.

QSL Via M0URX OQRS Preferred – Direct, Bureau & LoTW will be uploaded at the end of the DXpedition

Why US$5 Ramon?

After a 10m QSO with PZ5RA, I followed his instrucion to QSL Via OQRS, I was so shocked to read that Ramon wants US$5 for ONE QSL card that I sent him an email and asked WHY would he want US$5? as this is far more than the costs would be. His reply is as follows:

“You know, it’s your choice if you want the card or not. I myself have paid US$ 7,= to US& 10,= to get several exotic cards, also via Paypal. Feel free to shake with rage as you said and I wish you also a lot of luck to contact another PZ station.
P.S. Don’t try to send me any more mails, as they will not be answered.”

I am very disspointed by Ramon’s overcharging Radio Amateurs for his QSL card. It simply is NOT Ham Spirit.
So there you go! He feels that because there are no other active PZ operators he can charge what he likes. Hmmm not very nice is it?

D44TXP QSL Preview


QSL preview of the recent D44TXP Isle de Sal, activity by Barry Zarucki M0DGQ.


5B4AHJ – P3J New QSL


I have been asked to take over QSL management for 5B4AHJ & P3J. The new QSL card has been designed and printed and is now available on my OQRS.




World Bureau Posting 17/10/2013

9,222 QSL cards have been posted to all World Bureaus today, Thursday 17th October 2013.
This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles and M0URX Tim
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus.
Total amount of QSL cards 9,222 
Total Weight 40,569g
Total Cost    £204.07
£5.03  per kg
Average postage cost   2.2p per QSL card.

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VE2CSI LoTW uploaded


I am pleased to announce that we have obtained the required paper work from Association de Radio Amateur de Sept-Iles Inc club in Canada, for the call sign VE2CSI.  LoTW certificate has been received with 16,600 QSOs from the last 3 years now uploaded to LoTW, giving CQ Zone 2 to many deserving.

The upload includes 4,000 Qs from last weekends CQWW RTTY contest.

Thank you to Dany, VE2EBK for the help in getting the documents I needed to process the certificate.

P3F Contest Group


I have recently been asked to take over QSL management of the P3F Contest Group. QSL cards will be printed very soon. QSL Via M0URX OQRS.