I have spent the last few hours preparing to send out my own QSL cards for DXCC and IOTA DXpeditions worked recently, Oh boy, I did not realise how complicated QSL managers are making things these days, $3 if you want a QSL sent here but $4 if you want it sent outside Europe, $5 if you want it sent to the Pacific, what is going on?
Some countries only accepting IRC’s so long as the IRC you sent has your country name on it! What? This completely disregards all UPU postal regulations on IRCs. I decided a short time ago not to accept IRC’s any more, they are just causing too many problems.
One recent DXpedition website even states that if you want a quick LoTW upload then you must send $5 by PayPal….. Ummmm EXCUSE ME SIR, but isn’t that the job of a QSL manager to upload to LoTW? If he wants paying for every LoTW upload he will be MINTED!!!!!! Some of these scandals are encouraged by DX organisations and Foundations throwing money at them and accepting these shoddy practices as STANDARD. It just is not good enough is it?
My logging software uploads the whole log to LoTW in ONE quick click of the mouse! Why on earth would you charge $5 for each individual upload? Answers on a postcard please? Together with $5 of course.
DX Foundations that accept $5 for a QSL or LoTW upload as acceptable should explain their reasons for this?
I even saw this one, a QRZ.com profile for an Italian IOTA
“EU stations: send a SAE (Self Addressed Envelope) plus 5 US$ or 3 Euro or 1 valid IRC”
I have also been chasing up some non-QSL returns, and many QSL managers refuse to answer emails. WHY?
Here at United Radio QSL Bureau, I have some promises to DX’ers and DXpedition teams.
1) I will NOT charge any more than $2 for a Direct letter to send a QSL to ANYWHERE on this planet.
2) OQRS will not cost more than €2 for a Direct letter to send a QSL to ANYWHERE on this planet.
3) LoTW WILL be uploaded immediately after the DXpedition. Or at the earliest opportunity. FREE
4) Emails resulting from QSL requests WILL be answered as quickly as possible!
5) Bureau cards will be sent DIRECT to all IARU World Bureaus every 3 or 4 months. FREE
If you are planning a DXpedition, DXCC or IOTA in 2014 please contact us to provide YOU and the DX’ers that work you, with the best QSL services in the World. All mail is posted as Priority Air Mail.
United Radio QSL Bureau – Setting Standards!