Category - Blog

FAO DL Club Station Operators

I am getting a lot of QSL requests from German Club Station operators for QSL cards under their own personal call sign. Sorry but these will be returned NOT IN LOG!

If you are the operator of the Club Station and you want to claim the QSL for your personal call sign, then you MUST also be logged by the DX with your HOME CALL. The Club Station call sign is not valid for your personal call.

Work continues…….

The work continues since the posting of the EP6T QSL cards last Tuesday. The DXpedition E30FB to Eritrea closed with 62,500 QSO’s and instantly the OQRS was busy with all your requests, already over 2,200 requests have been processed, envelopes printed and placed in trays in country order. Just to give you an idea how many are now using OQRS i have only received 276 direct letters so far for E30FB. Also over 1,000 bureau requests processed.

Other incoming requests have filled a box with 197 outgoing letters that will be posted on Monday, and a new supply of 14 boxes of envelopes ready for your QSL request.

I am waiting for the first bureau cards to land since we posted them on Tuesday! WHICH Bureau is the worlds FASTEST? If you get your bureau cards in the next week or two send me a photo of you with the QSL card for the blog! 

Commercial on You Tube

I have just spotted a commercial on You Tube from a company called MTN Group. It features a boy that wants to discover and uses Amateur Radio to talk to the Space Station. Inadvertently it is probably the best ever commercial for Amateur Radio I have ever seen (It isn’t supposed to be advertising ham radio haha)

The moral of the story is Life is too short for QRP.

1st Class Post for EP6T

K800 20150318 162600

MW0JZE, Anthony was first to report receiving his EP6T QSL card this morning after it was posted yesterday.

Closely followed by 2M0JMN John, thank you for the feedback guys.

I am especially looking for feedback on the bureau cards posted too! How about a photo too please? As soon as you get yours, please let me know! Thank you 

VU2CDPWhile VU2CDP reports receiving the QSL card in just 4 days in Mumbai India!

EP6T QSL Cards Posted


Tuesday 17th March 2015  –

 3,008 Direct letters have been posted for EP6T delivery is between 3 – 7 days.
Packages also sent to GDXF, DDXG & SDXG.

ALL Bureau cards requested before the 8th March have now been sent to all World Bureaus on our mailing today.

I would like to thank Charles M0OXO, who helped me process the letters over the last few days. It has taken over 100 man hours since the arrival of the cards from the printer last week to label cards, fill the envelopes & package the directs and bureau.

A busy week ahead!

I have received quite a lot of emails and calls this week about the schedule for EP6T QSL’ing! In the hope that we can keep the emails down to a minimum this week here is the time schedule for the next 10 days or so.

Friday 6th March – EP6T QSL cards were picked up from Maxi-Print in Belgium by our courier.
Tuesday 10th March – EP6T QSL cards expected to arrive at United Radio QSL Bureau.
Courier delivered parcels.
Bureau labels will be prepared and placed on QSL cards and sorted to bureau bins.
2,000 Bureau cards prepared today.
Wednesday 11, Thursday 12th and Friday 13th – Direct QSL labels will be prepared and placed on QSL cards.

Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th – Direct QSL Letters will be processed ready for a mailing. G1VDP Chris &                                         M0OXO Charles will be working with me over the weekend to ensure the job is completed.
Monday 16th March – M0OXO and M0URX will package up all Bureau boxes to World Bureaus.
Tuesday 17th March – All Direct and Bureau cards will be posted.

I then have two weeks off work to dedicate to the E30FB team in processing the direct and bureau requests and of course the busted call emails. 

Just to note that I am currently on “Bureau Lock down!” Which means that as of today I will not be processing any more bureau requests until the schedule above is completed. ALL OQRS bureau requests processed on 08/03/2015 or before will be sent out on this Bureau posting.


V63MJ – Broken Parts, Broken Hearts Kosrae 2015

K800 447 1

After having a great solo DXpedition to Pohnpei in 2012, I thought it would be appropriate to return to Micronesia, this time to Kosrae, OC-59, especially since I now had a 500 watt amplifier light enough to carry with me. I knew V6 was in the Top 100, so why not? Micronesia is just north of the Equator, and the 8000 mile haul to North America was doable. Although ClubLog propagation charts do not show any 160 activity to NA out of the 350 or so logs submitted, I figured that it was because no one had attempted that path yet. A challenge, true,
but one I was willing to accept!
This one would be the same route as before – Texas to Honolulu and then island hopping to Kosrae. I did an Internet search and came up with the Village Resort and Eco Lodge, complete with thatched huts on the beach, a restaurant and bar, pretty solid wireless, 110 volts and US style outlets, drinking water, dancing girls, the whole package, and the price was reasonable. I could sleep under a mosquito net, run the pileups day and/or night as I chose, 160 through 10. Even better was that my calendar was mostly free in mid-February, so I could
do the ARRL DX CW contest as DX.
I started planning right after Visalia and Dayton in the spring month of 2014, asking around to see who might be interested in either going with me. 
Well, to be sure it was like the story of the Little Red Hen: nobody wanted to go, but there were no end to the volunteers to see if they could work me on 160 once I got there! This is not to imply there were none to assist me in my preparations, as we shall see. I always look for travel buddies on these trips to share the weight
of equipment, to share to operating time, to share to experience, and to help me figure out how to fix the things which always go wrong.

EP6T QSL Preview


As QSL sponsors of EP6T, ON5UR Max & M0URX Tim are pleased to show you the preview of the EP6T QSL designs. QSL cards are on schedule to be in the post later in March. 










K800 QSL-EP6T-Single-2K800 QSL-EP6T-Single-Back