Category - Blog

Back to work!

K800 WP 20150624 002

After returning from a successful mission to Ramsey Island EU-124, I am now home and returning to QSL work.

OQRS is up to date. 93 letters were posted this morning and 250 bureau cards processed this morning also.

Post has just arrived from the PO Box and an incoming box from the RSGB is due tomorrow.

Another 54 letters posted on Thursday 25th.

Taking a break!

United Radio QSL Bureau will be closed from Wednesday 17th to 24th June 2014. 
I will be able to answer some emails, QSL requests will be completed on my return. Thank you!

MC0SHL Ramsey Island EU-124 2015


We would like to announce that we are currently in the final planning stages of our regular trip to Ramsey Island – IOTA EU-124. This year we are going to try to have 3 stations on air full time as we are only there for 3 nights.

Arrive on island Friday 19th June.
Depart island Monday 22nd June.

Please note that operation in the days before and after with MC0SHL will be from the club house on mainland Wales EU-005.

We will be using 3 of the new “Hexpedition” hexbeams built by Ant, one will be directed to the West to allow us to work as many stations in the USA as possible as we seem to be lacking contacts from there each year. There may be some digi mode operating and again we will be looking on 6m to work as many as possible on there too.

Team members this year include a new addition of Vinny, M0TAV, who we welcome into the fold as a guest operator. Vinny is the antenna erector here in the midlands and has experience of operating from around the world when he was working on cruise ships and from his time in Thailand.

The full team this year are;

Charles M0OXO
Tony G4LDL
Chris G1VDP
Vinny M0TAV
Jane – Rob’s wife and the chief chef and the one who keeps us in check
Laura MW6INK – Ant’s wife and Janes right hand

QSL-MC0SHL-2-BACKGlenys G8KWD – Tony’s wife and Janes left hand. The girls are in charge as usual and I am sure will keep us all in our place. 

Usual DX Code of conduct rules will be adhered to (FULL CALL ONLY) and the regular QSL route via M0URX. Please do not send your card to us via the bureau as we do not need your card, but use Tim’s on line request service.
Or request direct and donate a couple of dollars to assit with our costs. 

There may be some operating the days before and after from the farm as we all assemble and get ready to travel.

We look forward to meeting you on the air and again we ask to listen to who we call and just act in a true Ham Spirit and allow us to complete the QSO’s.

E30FB QSL ready to post!

K800 QSL-E30FB-Double-3

Just one week after the E30FB QSL cards arrived from the printer we are pleased to report that 4,391 letters will be posted on Monday 8th June 2015.

Over 100 hours of work from the QSL team involved in the QSL process, M0OXO Charles and G1VDP Chris. Thank you guys, your help was most appreciated as always.

Also ready to post are the packages to GDXF, MDXC, SDXF & DDXG. Here are some of the images of the QSL work this weekend.

K800 E30FB post 2

K800 IMG 0053

K800 IMG 0060

QSL Cards arrive from printer!

K800 WP 20150602 001


E30FB & ZF2CI QSL cards have arrived here from the printer ON5UR Max in Belgium. It will be a busy week ahead 6,400 labels to stick on the QSL cards first! On schedule for the June 15th posting date!

E30FB QSL Preview

K800 QSL-E30FB-Double-3

The E30FB QSL has now been designed and will be in the print room soon. There has been some delay but we are now back on track! All QSL cards will be posted by 15th June.
OQRS open – QSL Via M0URX

OQRS requests will be showing as “Processed” this means that the request has been processed through the log. QSL cards will be posted when the QSL cards arrive from the printer.

The single QSL card below will be used for bureau and will also be used for direct for those with more than 10 QSOs.

K800 QSL-E30FB-Single


Planning a DXpedition in 2015?

oba 2014

Here in the UK we have the best facilities to provide your DXpediton with the very best in QSL management.
We have a team of QSL managers ready to work for you and the deserving.
We have dedicated OQRS systems.
We have our own Outgoing QSL Bureau for the fastest Bureau shipments.
We have an Online Business Account for all our International mailings so your DXpedition gets the most competitive postal rates.
We have high quality QSL designers ready to put their mark on your QSL card.

For more information contact Tim Beaumont, M0URX, or Charles Wilmott, M0OXO attention to the finest detail is important to us.

United Radio QSL Management Bureau not only support DXpeditions and provide QSL routes for many rare and interesting call signs, but we also support organisations like the CDXC Chiltern DX Club, ARI and several UK QSL managers.

In the year up to 31/03/2015 the team have posted 30,930 items to almost every country in the World and supported a large number of DXpedition teams and single operator stations. The table shows you some of the statistics on our postage volumes over the last year!


Are you a UK QSL manager? Are you planning a DXpedition and want to manage your own QSL mailings from the UK? Then we can help you too! 

E30FB QSL Status

There has been a delay getting the items needed for the QSL design, on Saturday I received all the photographs, logos and text and this is now in the hands of our designer Max, ON5UR.

OQRS – Status Processed – This means that the request has been processed through the log and an envelope has been printed and placed in the country bin. So far 4,039 envelopes are in the country bins.

ALL E30FB QSL cards will be posted together in JUNE. 

UTC – 0 Hour Offset!

I am receiving an unusual amount of emails about log time errors causing a failure to match on LoTW.

Please check that your logging software is set to UTC with 0 hour offset.

Daylight Saving Time should not change your logging software clock!