Category - Blog


K800 IMG 0653

Stan WS5K is currently in Pago Pago, American Samoa, and is QRV as WS5K/KH8 until October 4th.

Stan’s Grid locator is: AH45pp. 

Tutuila Island – IOTA ref: OC-045

QSL Via M0URX OQRS OQRS or Direct letter to M0URX. 

No incoming QSL cards are needed, so if you require Bureau QSL please only use OQRS.

Please DO NOT send to me Via the QSL Via Bureau. It will not be collected.

WS5K/KH8 has been uploaded to LoTW. Please log it correctly WS5K/KH8 or you will NOT get a match. QSL Via M0URX OQRS


PJ4/OE7PGI Bonaire

PJ4/OE7PGI Philippe will be operating from Bonaire 01 – 07/11/2015.

Philippe will be operating 20m – 10m, SSB and some RTTY.

QSL Via M0URX – OQRS & Direct postal.

Bureau Via OQRS only

Need a QSL Manager?

DXpedition QSL Posting– A reminder that DXpeditions & UK based QSL managers can take advantage of discounted postal costs for their  DXpedition QSL mailings by using my Royal Mail Online Business Account. 

For more information please email Tim Beaumont, M0URX,[email protected]  

QSL Manager Service – I offer full QSL manager services for your DXCC, IOTA DXpeditions and holiday stations.

Outgoing QSL Bureau – I also run an Outgoing QSL Bureau. All bureau cards are posted to all World IARU Bureaus 3 times a year.

Fast access to the World Bureau network.  £6 per kilo. Lower rates for high volume.

The QSL service that will always put your QSL as priorirty… No matter what the weather outside!

OQRS – Please use it to request your QSL cards

Amateur Radio is very much in a new age, there are many advances in the hobby which bring new technology to every aspect of our wonderful hobby.
One of the tools and services that we can take advantage of in our hobby is the “bureau”, the bureau has also changed and we need to adapt in the way we request our bureau QSL cards.
For ALL DXpeditions, IOTA, Contest stations, and some rare DX stations, incoming QSL cards are NOT required in the QSL exchange! You are asked NOT to send your QSL cards through the bureau for these stations. Instead request your QSL cards using Online QSL Request System (OQRS).
On my OQRS system  you can request ALL your QSL cards very quickly. Your request will be processed very quickly and will be placed in country bins, the cards will be sent to the IARU Bureaus every few months. Your QSL will get to you much quicker and is the ONLY way that you should be requesting DXpedition QSL cards.
Why is this so important? The IARU Bureau service is a costly and time consuming service for the national societies, and certainly 75% of the QSL cards that I receive are recycled with the rubbish once they have been replied to by my QSL service. The DXpeditions DO NOT need your QSL card. 
The time and money invested in sorting and shipping the QSL cards around the world by all our bureaus is a very big commitment for all the societies involved, with so many QSL cards in the system that are NOT required it is literally “clogging up” the bureau. Use OQRS and get your cards much quicker!
How can YOU make use of OQRS for YOUR call sign? Register your call sign on CLUB LOG upload your log and you have access to your own OQRS that you can manage QSL cards that you want and let others request YOUR QSL card.

MS0OXE Fair Isle QSL Preview


MS0OXE Fair Isle DXpedition ended today with 5,340 QSOs in less than 1 week of operation in which the team experienced some of the most disturbed band conditions that we have seen in a long time. Every day say solar flares slamming into Earth’s Ionosphere causing the K index to reach 5, and the A index to stay at 59 for almost 18 hours. This caused the bands for the team to be very unstable or closed for long periods with 10m and 12m barely workable the whole week. On Friday the 9th September the team stopped to view the beautiful Aurora which caused the bands to close.

Thank you to all who worked MS0OXE on this DXpedition to Fair Isle. Log has been uploaded to Club Log & LoTW. QSL cards will be in the print room very soon and will be posted in early October.

Please note – Do not send your QSL to us Via Bureau – Bureau = ONLY Via OQRS link above. Thank you


MS0OXE FAIR ISLE EU-012 September 2015


The Black Country DX & Contest group will be QRV from Fair Isle, IOTA EU-012, from the 9TH to the 15th September 2015.

We expect to be QRV from 18:00 UTC on the 9th to 16:00 UTC on the 15th September 2015.

We will be on 10m – 40m in CW, RTTY, SSB and some PSK.

Due to no mains power throughout the night we will QRT each night around 2330 local and QRV each morning from 0730 local. Hence, no 160 or 80 meters.

We will have 3 stations on the air at all times from 0730 till 2330 each day from the 10th to 14th September.

Fair Isle OSWe are staying at the south lighthouse (SKADDAN) GRID: IO99EM, WAB: HZ16 and for lighthouse chasers ILLW: UK0127 – ARLHS: SCO 079 FAIR ISLE SOUTH SKADDAN – WLOTA: LH 1319.

QSL- All QSL is via Tim M0URX online OQRS system.



K800 WP 20150910 17 55 15 ProLOTW upload, once we have returned home. CLUBLOG uploads every day.

MS0OXE will be operated by M0VKY, M0YOM, G0JKY & M0CKE.

More information on our website-

We look forward to working you from Fair Isle. 73, MS0OXE.

Image copywright 

Given the remoteness of Fair Isle the team are pleased to report that they have been able to upload the log to Club Log and LoTW directly from the Island.

On the evening of the 10th, Simon reported that they are viewing the Aurora Borealis. On the downside this means that band conditons are very poor at this time.

PJ5A QSL Preview


QSL Preview of the recent PJ5A DXpedition to St Eustatius Island, IOTA NA-145, part of the DXCC entity Saba & St Eustatius.

Dick K5AND & Terry K4RX were QRV from 27th June to 5th July 2015, predominantly a 6m DXpedition which provided the worst conditions that they had experienced in their last 23 DXpeditions, in fact they only recorded one good to day Europe on 6m.

105 direct QSL cards were posted out on 3rd September 2015.


FAO UK Hams – How to send a QSL card

I have noticed that many new hams in the United Kingdom are not aware of how to send QSL cards to ensure they get a 100% reply. So here are a few tips to help you along the way.

1) Use a Self-Addressed Envelope SAE for the QSL to be returned to you.

2) Enclose US$2 – this pays for postage, ink, labels and other items that are needed in QSL management. Never send a QSL without covering the return costs.
NO stamps or IRC’s Sorry!

3) All QSOs should be neatly listed either on one QSL card or on a piece of paper attached to the QSL card.

Now let’s look at what should be on your QSL card. Many QSL cards are used to claim awards, this means that your QSL card should contain at least the very basic details.

1) Your call sign, name and mailing address. Call sign should also be on the back.
2) The country name “England” should be clear. Not everyone will know that Hinckley Bottom is in England.
3) IOTA (Islands On The Air) MUST have the Island name printed on the QSL so “Mainland Great Britain” should be shown. You can also add the IOTA reference: EU-005.
4) CQ Zone: 14 ITU Zone: 27 should also be on your QSL for CQ & ITU Zones awards.
5) It is also helpful to add your Maidenhead locator: mine is IO92fj it is common that the last two letter suffix       be in lower case.
6) WAB: Worked All Britain is another award where it is helpful to show your WAB area mine is SP27. You      can also add your book numbers too.

7) This is most important! If you are using a photograph on the QSL, use HIGH RESOLUTION digital images.       Low resolution or scanned images will not work in QSL reproduction, they will be pixelated or grainy or           both. The same for logos, use high resolution logos.

Do not assume that the QSL printer will add such detail. To be honest QSL designers / printers that do not add the data or advise you about such information should not even be designing or printing QSL cards. So think about your design AND what text must be written on it.

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Incoming Bureau Box

K800 WP 20150625 001

A box of 2,300 incoming bureau cards arrived today from the RSGB bureau. Only the 2nd time that i received a quarterly box on time in many years. Cards sorted and processed ready for the next dispatch.

I expect the next outgoing dispatch to be posted in August.

PJ5A St. Eustatius


June 25th – July 5th – K4RX, Terry;  W3CMP, Chris; and K5AND, Dick; are expected to arrive on St. Eustatius, will be QRV as PJ5A the following morning (local time) on 1.8 through 28 MHz and two stations on 6 meters, “one favouring EU/AF and the other favouring US”. 

They will have three K-Lines and large antennas, with an emphasis on 6 meters until July 5th.

Maidenhead Locator: FK87mm
IOTA Reference:       NA-145

Plans are to be on the ON4KST Chat page  They will be posting their logs online. 

Logsearch will be here: 

QSL via M0URX OQRS & direct letter OR Bureau by OQRS  

Please note that QSL cards need to be designed and printed. OQRS may show as QSL processed and will be posted when i have the cards from the printer.