Category - Blog

Old IRC’s donated – Thank you


Thank you to Dmitry UA3AGW for the kind donation of old IRC’s. These will be cashed in and the money used to pay for QSL card printing & outgoing bureau costs.

If you have any old, out of date IRC’s even old yellow or blue ones, please don’t throw them away, you can post them to me and they will be put to good use.

Thank you Dmitry!

Do you have any?

PJ4KY Bonaire


A new resident amateur radio operator in Bonaire is PJ4KY, Bert, here is his QSL card preview that will be available soon. QSL Via M0URX.

K800 QSL-PJ4KY-Back

TT8AMO Pierre Chad


HB9AMO, Pierre will be in Chad, operating holiday style like he did as 5U9AMO in 2013.

Pierre will be QRV as TT8AMO from mid-October till mid-November 2015

Mostly CW operation, may be a few SSB QSO on the CQWW SSB contest to give multipliers.

Online log on TT8AMO webpage uploaded when possible. Pierre will operate from various locations in Chad, sometimes with poor antenna possibilities, sometimes with better antenna possibilities.

Station: 21 years old TS-50 + MFJ971 tuner + long wire antenna. Logger 32 software.

LoTW will be uploaded by Pierre when he returns to Switzerland in December.

QSL Via M0URX direct letter or Via OQRS 


MX0LDG Lundy Island EU-120 2015



The Lundy DX Group will be active again from Lundy Island IOTA EU-120 from the 6th to the 13th October 2015 QRV as MX0LDG.
This year’s team will be M5JON John, M0ILT Pete, MW0JZE Anthony & G3JKL John. We hope to be QRV around 1400 UTC on the 6th .

K800 LundyMX0OLDG will be on 10m to 40m SSB & RTTY . Due to the electricity being turned off at midnight until 6am we will not be operating between these times.

We will endeavour to run 4 stations for the period of the activation.

2 Kenwood TS-590’s
1 Kenwood TS-570
1 Yaesu FT-450 
Antennas 2 – G3TXQ Light Weight D-Hexpedtion Hexbeams Supplied by Ant MW0JZE
1 Steppir Vetical

We will be operating from Stony Croft Cottage the location of our 2012 activation which is valid for:

IOTA: EU-120 , Grid Locator: IO71pe, WAB: SS14, Lighthouse Old Devon light ARLHS: ENG 073.

Logs will be uploaded to ClubLog daily if we have a good internet connection if not on our return.
Many Thanks & 73’s  The MX0LDG Team look forward to working you from Lundy Island.

QSL Via Tim M0URX – OQRS System
QSL cards for this DXpedition are printed and will be posted out as soon as I have the logs.

Please note that MX0LDG is NOT affiliated to the RSGB. So bureau ONLY Via OQRS. No incoming cards will be collected.


WS5K/KH8 QSL Preview


Here is the QSL preview for WS5K/KH8. QSL cards will be posted end of October.
Stan has come to the end of his stay in American Samoa with 1,700 Qs in his log.

K800 QSL-WS5K-KH8-Back

OY1OF Ólavur erects 10m beam

OY1OF-2 1

Tonight I received the latest log update from Ólavur OY1OF, as always log has been uploaded to LoTW and QSL requests processed for bureau and direct. Ólavur took some photographs using a drone of him putting up the 10m beam at the club station recently. Also a photo from his day job of working on the off shore rigs.
With tonight being the night of the bloodred moon, Olavur has shared with us an image he took a few years ago.

As always, thank you to Ólavur for sharing these photos with us. You can see more of his photographic work on his website


OY1OF-4 1OY1OF-4 2

OQRS is the way to go!


Times change and how we receive bureau QSL requests has also changed, let me show you why we need to make these changes.

Here are two photographs, the first on the top left is a box of 4,500 bureau cards received from  the RSGB Bureau on Monday.

The second photograph underneath is the same box 3 days later after all the QSL cards have been processed through the logs that I am QSL manager for.

THIS is how many are then put into my rubbish recycling bin just 3 days after receiving the cards.

I want to ask please for your help! In order to keep this Bureau service going we must change the way that I receive bureau requests.

AfterIf you are requesting a DXCC or IOTA Expedition or contest QSL card you must ONLY use OQRS!

Please understand that DXpedition call signs are NOT members of the RSGB and I will be charged money to receive them.

Just as important to remember is that DXpeditions and contest stations DO NOT need YOUR QSL card.

A DXpedition is undertaken to help you obtain an ATNO (All Time New One) whether that be a DXCC, IOTA, WAB area, band, mode or whatever.

Here are some facts for you:
4,500+ QSL cards received 4,200 QSL cards thrown away!

Out of the 4,500 QSL cards, 2,000 had already been requested direct, bureau or using OQRS, in some cases all three!. If you request a bureau QSL PLEASE DO NOT send another QSL! Only use 1 QSL route.

The average length of time that the cards took to arrive with me are 2 years 6 months. If the QSL cards had been requested on OQRS then you would get the cards 2 years 6 months quicker.

One Japanese station sent me 34 QSL cards for 34 QSOs for ONE DXpedition. The work that the bureaus have had to put in in both time and money just to get those 34 cards to me is quite startling. We need to STOP the waste and get smarter in how we use our resources.

If you DO have to send your QSL in Via Bureau type ALL QSOs on ONE card or paper.

Of course there are some stations that I am QSL manager that ARE RSGB members that DO want your QSL. OY1OF, OY4TN, PJ4DX, M0URX. Please continue to send us QSL cards for those stations, for ALL other DXpeditions please use OQRS only.

“QSL Via M0URX” does NOT mean that all QSL cards that I am manager for can be sent to me Via Bureau. Only RSGB affiliated call signs can receive QSL cards.

So the best way to know what to send me and what NOT, is clear. ALL DXpedition & contest QSL requests must be made by OQRS ONLY.

For the QSL route of the rest please check on for each call sign. Or use OQRS. If we need your QSL we will contact you.

I have been working with the RSGB for the past year to ensure that all QSL cards for my attention are delivered to me, but this costs money. I have agreed to pay to receive for DXpediitons QSL cards that I am QSL manager for and are not RSGB affiliated.. However this is only for those that cannot use OQRS as a last resort. OQRS must be your first option to receive  ALL DXpedition Bureau cards!

Any QSL cards that ARE sent to me for the call signs I am manager for MUST be made clear “QSL Via M0URX” if not they will NOT reach me. Sorry.

ALL OUT-GOING QSL cards are sent at my cost to all IARU World QSL Bureaus, so our outgoing QSL service continues as normal.

Thank you for your help in changing the way we work with you and reducing costs and time that your QSL cards are delivered to you.


Space Weather TV by Dr Tamitha Skov

I am not sure if this may be of interest to some of you? Space Weather TV hosted by Dr Tamitha Skov has been getting very excited with all the solar weather this last week.
Tamitha is very enthusiastic about Amateur Radio and welcomes space weather questions from radio amateurs.  
She is also on Twitter @TamithaSkov every couple of days in the UK afternoon she can be watched on Periscope you can see on Twitter for the Periscope alert.
What is Periscope? Ok guys it is an App you can download onto your mobile phone and is linked with Twitter. Tamitha’s Periscope is a live Space Weather chat in which she explains the very latest Space Weather, very interesting and a lot to learn. She has only just started doing the live periscope chat recently and you can ask questions live and there are quite a few radio amateurs logging in.
So who is Dr Tamitha Skov?
Tamitha Mulligan Skov is a Research Scientist at The Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles, California. She holds a B.S. in Physics and a B.S. in Physical Chemistry from UCLA. She earned her M.S. and Ph.D. in Geophysics and Planetary Physics from UCLA in 2000 and 2002, respectively. Dr. Mulligan Skov works actively in the fields of solar and space physics, focusing on solar transient phenomena such as coronal mass ejections, solar flares, solar energetic energetic particles, and galactic cosmic rays, and the subsequent effects these phenomena have on the Earth’s magnetosphere and radiation belts. She is an instructor at the Aerospace Institute and serves on multiple review and anomaly teams for NASA, NOAA, and other government and private contractors. She also serves as an audio forensics analyst and instructor for the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC), hosted at Aerospace and funded by the Department of Justice.

Bureau box arrived 21/09/2015

Bureau box

A bureau box containing about 4,500 QSL cards arrived today 21/09/2015.

Cards sorted.& prcessed 24/09/2015.

Please remember for DXpedition QSL cards you should ONLY use OQRS.