Category - Blog


5Z4/G3AB Andy is QRV from Kenya. Andy’s log has been uploaded to OQRS and is now live. Andy is currently waiting for a 5Z4 callsign to be allocated so until the new callsign arrives will be QRV as 5Z4/G3AB. The log will be uploaded weekly to OQRS. LoTW certificate will be requested soon so please do not email us for questions on LoTW. It wil be uploaded to LoTW as soon as possible.
QSL cards will be designed very soon.
Busted / Missing Call enquiries must only be sent using the “Not in Log?” Button on OQRS.
Please do not send emails for enquiries about logs or LoTW. Thank you
Further information and updates will be published here and sent to DX Bulletins.
Bureau cards Must only be requested using OQRS. Please do not send us Bureau cards.
5Z4/G3AB QSL Via M0URX OQRS Preferred. 

TX7T QSL Design

The TX7T Marquesas Island, Hiva Oa Island, QSL card has now been designed by Max ON5UR.  Four Sided Double QSL cards for the first 2,000 Direct requests and a Single QSL card for Bureau requests. Direct QSL posting expected end of January.

MC0SHL Weekend Statistics

Despite conditions being very challenging during the weekend activity at MC0SHL both Chris and I were very pleased with the effort that we made on air.

805 QSOs logged in total with the following statistics

FT8 was good to USA with 31 USA states worked.
61 DXCC worked over the weekend as MC0SHL. 55 DXCC on 40m & 39 on 20m
38 DXCC on SSB with 27 each on 40m & 20m, and 1 QSO with HB9 on 10m.
50 DXCC on FT8  – 40 DXCC on 40m and 32 on 20m.
For those of you that were monitoring our live OQRS you were able to see straight away that the call was logged. I am pleased to say that this works flawlessly and is available to all stations that I manage if they request it.
Equipment used: Kenwood TS590 transceiver, Acom 1000 at 400W, Hexbeam at 10m and a Carolina Windom for 40m.

South Orkney Islands DXpedition VP8PJ

Press Release #9 Jan 2, 2020
South Orkney Islands DXpedition VP8PJ
We are pleased to announce the call sign for the Perseverance DX Group’s expedition South Orkney 2020 will be changed to VP8PJ. In past years it was relatively easy to get a preferred VP8 call sign for the British Antarctic Territory. After a licensing administrative change, we were unable to obtain a VP8 call sign for operation from South Orkney and were advised to use /VP8. 
Alan, VK6CQ, a recent addition to the team, holds the call sign VP8PJ that was issued to him for operation from the British Antarctic Territory. After submission of a copy of Alan’s license, ARRL has issued us a new LoTW certificate for the use of this call from South Orkney for the duration of our expedition.
73, Team VP8PJ
Please direct your questions to: [email protected]

MC0SHL Club Station Wales

Chris G1VDP, and myself Tim M0URX, will be operating from “The Farm” also known as our Club House at Strumblehead Amateur Radio Klub on the Pembrokeshire coast of Wales as MC0SHL from Friday 3rd January to Sunday 5th January 2020.
N 51°59’413” W 5°04’537” IARU Grid Locator: IO71LX 265 ft ASL  Worked All Britain WAB: SM83 – WFF: GFF-015

We will be testing out the Band Activity and Real Time Log search as you see below. Please join us for the testing, you can read more about this facility on our “OQRS Hints & Tips” page on the top menu.
In the DX Station Box enter MC0SHL, this should then bring the screen up as in the image. When the operators are active this will show you the frequency (move mouse over green dot on mode) and will also show any split frequency. 

You will also be able to check your QSO is valid and has been logged by entering your call and it will show the band and mode that you have worked them. OQRS will be open to request the QSL card. Band Activity and Real Time Log Search is available to roll it out to any DXpeditions and call signs that we manage.

Logging QSOs Time on – Time off

One of the most common time miss-match issues, is caused by “Log On” time when the DX’er starts calling the DX, then “Log Off” when the QSO is made. Always make sure that you LOG the UTC Time at the time you work the DX, not the time you started calling. This is the most common cause of OQRS and LoTW time miss-match. It is very important to understand when you are requesting QSL’s or uploading to LoTW that there is a built in time tolerance.

OQRS Hints & Tips Explained

I have added a page on the top menu under “How to QSL” drop down to explain OQRS and how to use it. This should be your first place to go if you are unsure how to use our OQRS tools.
This an integrated on-line bespoke Log search, OQRS and QSL Manager application. It offers useful tools for DXer’s, DXpeditions and strongly supports the QSL manager’s workload, automating the most time consuming QSL’ing processes.

Below I share some useful Tips & Tricks about the front-end user interface.

Read More

Merry Christmas

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas to all DX’ers.

Thank you to all the DX’pedition Teams that i have worked closely with over the past year. Thank you to the OQRS Development Team that continue to innovate and bring us the very best in tools and features that everyone demands. Thank you to BarclayJames our IT partner. Also to all the UK QSL Managers that work with us to bring you the QSL cards that are requested. Merry Christmas to all, may 2020 bring lots of sunspots and DX!

OQRS remains open 24/7. All QSL inquiries should be sent using the OQRS & “Not in Log” button.

39,304 Bureau cards to World IARU Bureaus in 2019.

May 2017 bureau mailingTogether with our UK QSL partners we have sent 39,304 Bureau cards to World IARU Bureaus in 2019.
Please keep sending us your old out of date IRC’s so that we can keep our QSL Bureau open. Thank you!

Which Category Are You?

This following Blog entry was written by Charles, M0OXO. It is something that we talk regularly about, because the way we are spoken to, can have an effect on us, as people, and how we deal with your comments.

“After a series of emails this week and many more in months gone by, I have to ask myself how educated we are and how would we expect our behaviour to be perceived by others? Many emails are ‘open’ emails and when I say ‘open’, I mean they have no greeting, no ‘Hello’, no ‘please’ and no ‘thank you’.
Whilst I do this work, should I expect people to be like this or should I expect more? They send emails that just have the open questions such as ;

‘I am not in your log but you are in mine, why?’
‘My card never arrived why?’
‘When will log be on LOTW?’

Now before we start by suggesting that the language barrier is an excuse, well I’m sorry. If you can write the above message in English (even with the help of ‘Google Translate’), then I am pretty sure you can be courteous too?

What is wrong with people? What is missing?
‘Hi Tim…’, ‘Hello OM..’, ‘Hi……’ would be a good start and what about ‘Please’ or even ‘Thank you’?
Your Call sign would be a huge help and what about a Name, I have one and I assume you do too?
I get really upset by these emails that just seem to get worse and worse, quite often leading to me questioning myself, ‘should I continue in this job?’
Respect is earned, I get that but there is no excuse for no manners.
People can be arrogant, ignorant or even nice, I wonder which category you would like to be in?”