Author - Tim Beaumont

Incoming QSL Bureau

Wednesday 5th May
Something a little different on the blog this week. I will take you through a weeks work at the office with all the Bureau QSL cards to give you an insight into the work involved.  
I received a large box from the RSGB Bureau containing 3,400 QSL Via M0URX.
Status – ALL Bureau cards posted to World Bureaus 14/05/2010.
QSL cards will be sent direct to World Bureaus. A large percentage of cards are for 2007 and 2008, this shows just how far behind the RSGB Bureau is in my opinion! So if i had sent these cards back through RSGB Bureau it would be about 5 year turn around. Simply NOT acceptable is it?

3DA0OK   278 QSL cards processed – 50% of log QSL confirmed!
5B/G4MKP   6 QSL cards processed
7P8OK      107 QSL cards processed – 35% of log QSL confirmed
9M4SEB       7 QSL cards processed  
9M6DXX      94 QSL cards processed
9M6DXX/P 116 QSL cards processed  
9M6/G3OOK 30 QSL cards processed  
9M6XRO    481 QSL cards processed  
9M6XRO/P 108 QSL cards processed 
9M8Z         245 QSL cards processed 
A25OOK      61 QSL cards processed 
C91XO       169 QSL cards processed 50% of log QSL confirmed!
CY2ZT/2    116 QSL cards processed
M0URX      156 QSL cards processed
M0XXT       108 QSL cards processed  
MC0SHL    301 QSL cards processed 
MW9W      323 QSL cards processed 
OY4TN        55 QSL cards processed
V8FEO        62 QSL cards processed
XU7DXX       30 QSL cards processed
XU7XRO    142 QSL cards processed
ZC4VJ         44 QSL cards processed
ZS6.GM3OOK 30 QSL cards processed

Just 33 direct letters this week. I would normally do those daily as the letters come in but with so many bureau cards to deal with i have just processed direct today. All post has been posted 14/05/2010

Postage Costs for Direct QSL

In recent days i have received many letters with either NO postage costs with letters saying “can’t find any IRCs or $$” and also letters with considerably insufficent funds to return the QSL so I have below written the costs for you to see. I consider these costs to be VERY fair so please make sure that you send the right postage costs with your QSL!

Paying by Paypal (ONLY)            OR Direct QSL By POST
2 Euros for 1 (ONE QSL ONLY!!!) Or by post US$2 / 1 x IRC
3 Euros for up to 4 QSL cards      Or by post US$3 / 2 x IRC
5 Euros for 5 – 10 QSL cards or   Or by post US$5 / 3 x IRC
7 Euros for 11 – 20 QSL cards      Or by post US$7 / 5 x IRC

NO UK STAMPS ACCEPTED from outside UK sorry!

More details here on HOW TO QSL!  
If INSUFFICIENT funds are sent, QSL WILL be sent Via Bureau! 

VP8/O South Orkney Island DX’pedition 2011


In January, 2011 The Microlite Penguins DXpedition Team will be heading to the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica, one of the world’s most wanted DXCC entities.  As with all trips to the planet’s extremes, this DXpedition presents it’s own unique set of logistic and environmental challenges. But with our experienced ship, crew and team of operators we aim to make this one of the most exciting and enjoyable DX events of the year.

For more information please visit our website: VP8/O DX’pedition

As always, we look forward to seeing you on the bands.

73 James Brooks, 9V1YC
The Microlite Penguins DXpedition Team

Good luck to the team from United Radio QSL Bureau. US$ 50 sent to your fund. Look forward to hearing VP8/O on air in 2011.

P29CS Latest

Andy P29CS/P has returned home from his family holiday in Rabaul Island OC-008. The log is now on my online Log search and QSL cards will be overprinted for the IOTA information and sent very soon. Andy is now back on Lihir Island OC-069 and will be active in his spare time.

I am getting many emails asking for communication to Andy P29CS about QSL cards from before Jan 16 2010. The situation is this! WAIT! Please wait. Your QSL will be dealt with by Andy as soon as he can.  Please do not email me here as there is nothing i can do to help at this stage.
200 blank P29CS QSL cards are to be mailed out to Andy this week so that he can process QSL cards from before 16/01/2010. Please be patient.
M0URX is QSL Manager for P29CS for QSOs AFTER Jan 16 2010.

Email Traffic

There has been an increased amount of emails this week concerning the costs of QSL Via Bureau, who should pay? There is an example of one QSL manager who charges US$1 for up to 3 QSL cards sent Via Bureau which many find quite concerning. Should the Bureau be FREE? But free for who? This is not a new question of course just one that is getting a louder voice now as postage costs rise.

Here at my QSL Bureau it costs in excess of US$1,000 a year to send all QSL cards Via Bureau and these costs have to be met by someone. In my case it is carefully managing income from Direct QSL cards, by finding the cheapest route for sending outward QSL cards, by having a good working relationship with my QSL Printer Max which allows flexibility in printing costs and also searching for the right costs for stationary, as envelopes, inkjet labels and printer ink all add significant cost to my Bureau costs over the year.

This week the RSGB QSL Bureau also informed me that some of my clients are not able to use the Bureau as they are not members of the RSGB, this is not a problem for us as most of our Bureau cards are not routed through the RSGB but instead I send Direct to World Bureaus every 10 weeks or so.

So the truth here is that Bureau QSL costs are met jointly by those who send Direct QSL cards, and a careful management of funds saving money wherever possible. Also there are many who send donations (Thank you!) even if it is only sending an extra IRC or dollar in with the QSL it all helps keep the United Radio Bureau going to keep the QSL cards flowing around the World quickly and as efficiently as possible. Then of course we also provide some sponsorship to DX’peditions globally where we are in a position to do so. 

How can you help keep Bureau costs down? Well only by sending for Bureau cards that you actually want. For DX’peditions and many other callsigns that I manage “EMAIL REQUEST IT, DON’T SEND IT” This not only speeds up the Bureau QSL process but saves a lot of money both for the DX station AND for the World QSL Bureau’s. So before you send that QSL please spend a little time in checking with the QSL manager first. 

Post Delayed


Due to the volcanic ash over British airspace there are delays in International post.

Royal Mail’s International hub is based at Heathrow Airport, London where planes have been grounded the last few days. This has let to mail to and from the United Radio QSL Bureau being held up in the delays. I will now post out the P29CS and other QSL cards as soon as flights from London resume. I apologise for the delay in getting these QSL cards to you.

K4M Midway Atoll QSL


I received the K4M Midway Atoll QSL in the post this morning. That makes 284 DXCC Confirmed for M0URX.

Ofcom Return

You may remember I invited Ofcom (Office of Communications) to investigate some local QRM giving me major grief on the Amateur Bands, well the TV Masthead Preamp PSU on the house at the end of the street has now been replaced, and the drifting noise on 15m now has gone… BUT.. I quickly realised that was not the main cause. I invited Ofcom back and asked them to investigate further as I still have total wipe out S9+20 on all bands about 3 hours every evening.
Ofcom now require a test done to make sure that the interference is 6db higher than the noise floor before they can take the case on. Not easy as the noise is in the evening and Ofcom work 9-5. Luckily during the day there are sprogs on 20m and various other parts of the HF spectrum for the guys to test. Happy that i have a case they went away to DF the little sprog. Got him! A Plasma TV a few doors away! Oh no!

The field engineer comes back to tell me the bad news, however he says that the first stage is to encourage the owner to compliance. Also his Office will send out further equipment to test the field strength of the Plasma TV to prove that it exceeds regulations. He says that if asking the owner to comply does not work then they will take the action of enforcement if it is required.

On a plus side the owner of the Plasma says that they are moving house at the end of April! Bonus!!! But the Ofcom engineer says that the case will stay live even when they move as the equipment MUST be repaired or replaced.

M0XXT CQ WPX Contest Station


I had the pleasure this afternoon of visiting the UK Scout Contest Team M0XXT in Dorridge near Birmingham, England. The team led by M0MCX Callum have done an extensive shack refurbishment over the last few months. CQ WPX is a great contest to check out all of the new band pass filters and antenna systems.
Pictured operating Station 1 is Simon M0VKY, Station 2 operated by Callum M0MCX with guest operator Dave VA7AM looking on.

The full team of operators: Callum M0MCX, James M0YOM, Terry G4MKP, Simon M0VKY, David VA7AM.

Tower2Pictured on the mast and other antennas on site.
Full size 2 element 40m yagi at 120ft
80m Dipole NE/SW at 145ft
80m Dipole NW/SE at 145ft
160m Dipole at 90ft
A3S at 100ft
A3S at 50ft
Megaloop at 85ft

Band conditions during the Saturday were very poor. Hopes of some good conditions failed to appear after the previous weeks encouraging sunspots prior to the contest.


MC0SHL – MW9W QRV in CQ WPX “The Hex’pedition”


Once again in 2010 some of the team of Strumble Head DX & Contest Group are heading down to the farm to have some fun and maybe enter the CQ WPX Phone contest. The boys will be there from 25th March through to the 30th March 2010.

This year they will be testing the G3TXQ Hexbeam built by Ant, MW0JZE, that will be available for use by DX’peditions – see Ants web page for details – and the usual vertical for 40M and maybe 80M will be erected so a couple of bands may be used.  

Chris, G1VDP, will be trying his hand at RTTY and may take his 30M vertical for some fun on that band. All contacts are valid for the WAB, WFF and IOTA awards and we have a club QSL card available if requested. Chris will be looking for Japan and Asia on 17M RTTY – this is a most wanted on this band – but he will be taking calls from all callers. The only thing he asks is that the pile up behaves and does as he says or he will go QRT and no one will work him. 

Look for MC0SHL before and after CQ WPX and during the contest Chris will use MW9W.

Logs will be uploaded to LOTW each evening and QSL requests via the groups QSL manager Tim, M0URX