Author - Tim Beaumont

Liechtenstein 2010

Marc OZ1MDX will be QRV from Liechtenstein as HB0/OU4U from 21st June – 27th June 2010.
QSL Direct Via M0URX or
Bureau only by email Request


VERY IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT send your QSL Via Bureau for this activity. It will NOT be collected or answered!
Don’t send it! Request It using the link above.

QSL Sponsored by United Radio QSL Bureau

1322 QSO’s uploaded to online log search. Last QSO at 23/06/2010 1309z (Does not include DIGI log)

MS0INT Flannan Isles EU-118


It was August 19, 2009 when the first seeds of a Flannan Isles expedition were sown. Ten months have since passed, MS0INT team are now in the very final planning stages of their island expedition.  

The first of the team arrive on June 15, followed by the rest the next day. Together, we all set off on the evening of June 16 to our base on the remote west side of Isle of Lewis. June 17 we see on air testing of equipment as MM/homecalls/p from EU-010. On June 18 we leave for Flannan’s, EU-118.  

During our journey to the Outer Hebrides, we aim to send images – and perhaps small video clips – together with short reports of our progress.  

Please note, it is highly unlikely we will have cell phone capabilities when on Flannan’s, so the online logbook will most probably be available after the expedition.
For more information the website is MS0INT

ICOM_LOGOMS0INT is sponsored by ICOM UK G3TXQ Hex-Beam & United Radio QSL Bureau…..
Full QSL Info here

Thursday afternoon: the team were testing equipment from the guest house on Isle of Lewis EU-010. They report that preparations are going well. They go by boat to Flannan Isles on Friday morning, they hope to land at 1300z on Friday and be active later in the afternoon.
Friday afternoon: MS0INT was reported “On Air” 1520z Friday 18th June! Flannan Isles EU-118 are now active!
Saturday 1800z: MS0INT reported working JA HL area. This was a target for the team as only 2% of IOTA participants from JA have EU-118 confirmed.
Saturday 1900z: Col reports 3,600 Qs in log. All going to plan.

If you have facility to record the operation. Please send audio files to us. Thank you.

QSL Direct Via M0URX.
Please note that Bureau QSL requests are only accepted Via OQRS & email.
Save Bureau costs!
Please do NOT send your QSL Via Bureau! NO E QSL Sorry!

Spiderbeams! Just Why?

I am very surprised that I have not heard anyone comment about how unreliable Spiderbeams are for DX’pedition use. I can’t understand WHY Spiderbeams are so widely used on DX’peditions.

Nearly every DX’pedition that takes a Spiderbeam reports of wind damage and broken Spiderbeams. The latest casualty is 3C0C. 

The problem is with Spiderbeams is the shape, they just can’t take any moderate wind. As well as being very cumbersome and awkward to erect. Unless you have them at a suitable working height you may as well be using string.

Am I the only one that hears DX’peditions using Spiderbeams and reporting almost every one failing in the wind?

Am I the only one that when a DX’pedition uses a Spiderbeam we really struggle to hear them? Probably because they are set up too low. 

There is always a joke amongst a few of us here when we see the equipment list with Spiderbeam in. “We won’t hear them then!” 

Or am I mistaken and Spiderbeams are these wonderful DX’pedition lightweight wonder antennas?
All I wonder is why they are so popular? 
While they may be a good antenna when installed on a sturdy mast / tower they are just not built for the quick portable installation.

Sebatik Island OC-295 Update

Greetings from Tawau, Sabah…

John, 9M6XRO, and Steve 9M6DXX were unable to operate from Sebatik Island, OC-295, on this occasion, but we have been able to make arrangements for a 4-day DXpedition there in September. Further details to follow.

73, Steve, 9M6DXX

UR News

The UK Scout Contest Team were active in the CQ WPX CW Contest this weekend. Terry G4MKP using the new team’s contest call M9X was Single Op All Band High Power CW, and supported on the technical back room by James M0YOM and Callum M0MCX.

Here at our Latitudes Terry suffered heavily with the geo magnetic storm that affected the bands with a K5 index on Saturday. Terry reports making 2200 Qs and provisionally 3,400,000 points.

As M9X is a new call sign I will be designing and printing the new QSL card very soon for the UK Scout Contest Team.

Logs – Logs this week have been uploaded to the online log search for 9M6XRO, M9X and OY1OF.

Sebatik Island OC-295 3 – 5 June

John, 9M6XRO, and Steve, 9M6DXX, will be visiting Sebatik Island

(OC-295) from 3 to 5 June and may be active as 9M6XRO/P (CW) and 9M6DXX/P (SSB) using 100W to a simple wire antenna, although no operation is guaranteed on this occasion. The visit is in preparation for a possible DXpedition there later in the year with higher power and better antennas. OC-295 has only been activated once before, in July 2006, and remains high up the IOTA ‘Most Wanted’ list.
QSL both callsigns via M0URX, direct, or OQRS for Bureau or LoTW.

John and Steve tell me that this trip is very much a reconnaissance trip for a expedition possibly later in the year.

73, Steve, 9M6DXX

The Highs and Lows of Weekend DX’ing

A Saturday morning off work is a rare thing for me so when I get the chance to be by the radio at sunrise you can bet on me being there with a cup of English tea to start the day.

The past few days had seen the SFI drop to 71 after 12 consecutive spotless SSN days so when I saw the SSN edge up to 12 and the SFI up to 73 it didn’t really fill me with enthusiasm of a DX-full weekend, just hopeful of maybe a new one somewhere! The morning started quite good, some friends in Sweden each year choose an IOTA to operate from and you can bet that they will always be professional and provide something good to chase, using the call sign 7S6W and operating from Vinga Island EU-043. Sporadic E season has not started to well here in Coventry so I was not expecting to hear them when I saw 7S6W on the cluster on 14.260 MHz, but they were a solid S9 one call and they were in my log, I wished the team well and let them carry on. I tuned down the band and heard AH6S Tiff calling CQ on 14.198 MHz over the pole, now normally Hawaii creates a huge European pile up so when I heard no one reply I fumbled quickly with the footswitch and put my cup of tea down and answered his call, Tiff came straight back, just brilliant! Working Hawaii always gives me a buzz, this is what I wanted to start my Saturday.

That was about as exciting as it got that day until the evening when 17m and 20m opened up to the Caribbean and South America. J88CF Kumar in St Vincent was a great signal and that would be an all time new one for me, but the pile up was just out of control, no respect whatsoever from many of the undisciplined European operators. I was not going to join this zoo, I would rather miss a new one than get involved in bad behaviour. So I changed bands to 17m where I worked FS/N4ECW/P on St Martin Island, I am chasing yearly DXCC and this was a new one for 2010 so I was pleased to be able to work Dennis tonight. Also logged was VP5/PY2WAS Turks & Caicos Is, CP6UA Bolivia and NP2KW on the US Virgin Islands. It was getting late 2320 local time so I went back to 20m and to 14.227 MHz where Kumar J88CF was still working the pile up, but wait, listen! The EU zoo had gone, propagation by this time was moving further West and had closed to my South and East, looks like I have a clear shot at this, I “Fire up the Acom” it finishes its warm up, and I call “Mike Zero Uniform Romeo X-ray” Kumar hears me “The Mike Zero again?” I reply again and Kumar gets my full call, bang in the log number 285 for my all time DXCC. Pleased and with a big grin I tune both 20m and 17m and work a few more before I call it a night.

Sunday, another day, not much DX around again today, but ZS8M Pierre is spotted on the cluster on 20m, I listen and listen hard but no matter how much I concentrate that ESP signal is NOT going to jump out of the speaker and give me Marion Island! Pierre is still using wires and with sunspots scarce I am going to have to accept this is one that will not be in my log for a while yet. In the afternoon I got back into the shack at 3pm and 6m was showing signs of something promising. ZC4VJ Andy has been banging out CW & SSB Qs all day, it looks like I will have quite a few QSL cards coming in later this week from Andy’s weekend activity. I wait patiently until I hear his signal out of the noise, this would be a new band slot on 6m, its 30c in the shack, I can’t stand this damn heat in here. I was on 50.115 MHz, Andy was there, yes! He says listening up 5, I call, nope not this time, I call again “Hey Tim M0URX great to hear you” Yeah “Andy you are 53 thanks for the new slot” I Skype my mate G1VDP Chris and tell Chris to get on 6m, Andy says that he will send me a log update in the morning after he has had a sleep. That will be great I have lots of QSL requests to get through.

Back on the cluster I am keeping an eye on A92IO Dave in Bahrain, Dave is on 50.205 MHz listening up 5 – 10. His signal is very much in and out of the noise with the Sporadic Es today but at 5,200 Km’s this would be a great one to log! After about an hour of waiting, listening and more listening and quite a lot of calling I finally get through and Dave’s signal lifted to 53. Another new one on 6m! It has been an enjoyable weekend, thanks for the chase its been a good one!

Not staying up late tonight, I have an airport run to do at 5am so catch you tomorrow guys!

M0URX Chasing SSB DXCC 2010

I use Club Log to keep track of my yearly band slot totals and this is where M0URX stands 18/07/2010.

SSB 2010 League.

Rank Callsign 160 80 60 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6 4 2 70 Total Slots  
1 M0URX 0 0 0 0 0 181 105 134 89 97 40 0 0 0 223 646

While the table below shows the total figure for the 2009 SSB League at 31/12/2009

Rank Callsign 160 80 60 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6 4 2 70 Total Slots  
1 M0URX 1 19 0 46 0 206 108 122 37 94 31 0 7 1 229 672

Winlog32 Logging Software Development Work

A huge thank you to Colin G0CUZ author of Winlog32 logging software.

Over the past year I have been sending Colin a “Wish List” of ideas that would make Winlog32 logging software an absolute dream for QSL managers to use. Colin has put my wish list into development and has produced a QSO Label printing process that saves me literally hours on a big run of Bureau cards and makes the label printing a matter of just a couple of key strokes on the keyboard.  

Earlier versions of Winlog32 printed Single and Multi labels on two print runs which meant combining the two separate sheets of labels alphabetically on the QSL cards. This was very frustrating and very time consuming. So the first step forward was to print the Single / Multi labels together alphabetically. Job done! 

Here at the Bureau I have 55 logs, and each time I printed a label for a different DX Call sign, the label had to be over-typed “73 de M0URX TIM” or whoever’s label I was printing so the next stage was to programme the software to “grab” information from the “Station Location” file of the log information such as MYCALL MYNAME and automatically add this information to the QSO Report label for each log when I click on “Print QSL” 

This has now been improved further with MYIOTA & MYGRID to automatically add the IOTA and Grid Locator to the report label if required.

This development in the Winlog32 software is invaluable to me with sometimes thousands of QSL cards to print from up to 55 different DX’pedition logs. Thanks Colin your work is very much appreciated!

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10m openings

At last today the Sporadic E conditions opened up very well here in Coventry. I opened the M0URX log at 13:27z this afternoon on 28.525 MHz calling CQ, first to reply to my call was SM7DWL Nils in Sweden, great the first spring opening to Scandinavia so I turned the beam a little higher to see what other countries I could work on 10m. I enjoy trying to work as many DXCC in a year on each band, testing propagation trying to find the limits of openings and the limits of my antenna and trying to learn more about the behaviour of propagation at different times of the year and the sunspot cycle.

I continued my “CQ 10m” with a reply from RU2FA Nick from Kaliningrad so for sure the E’s were favouring the Baltic area, just how far will the band open? Will I work a new band slot? I was beginning to feel quite excited about the opening, I had a good feeling about the band today. Keen to keep the momentum going I called CQ again, I hear a quiet reply ,did I hear that correct? UK8 ? I asked the UK8 to repeat his call sign, I dropped the antenna to 90 degrees and the signal came up nice and strong it was UK8OM Mike, I explained to Mike that this was my first 10m Q with Uzbekistan and thanked him for the reply to my CQ call and that a direct QSL was on it’s way. We chatted for a few moments before signing off and I called CQ again.

Contacts with Austria, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Denmark followed in quick fire “59” Qs and some short hop E’s too with contacts into the Netherlands just a few 100 km’s away.

I spotted A71CT Sultan on the cluster just a few KHz away from me so I spun the dial to say hello, he heard my first call, and bang in the log. Great so the band is alive now, back to ‘525 for some more CQ calls, first of course checking to see if the frequency I had left was still available.

Quite soon the E’s were moving over to North and East Europe as lots of UA6’s were calling me and also plenty of QRP stations too, it’s a great feeling to pull the 1w stations out of the noise, with E’s taking away the signal with QSB it takes some effort to get these guys in the log, but I hear their delight in his voice when I hear “yes, yes 100% you have my call” so thank you for the patience of the QRP guys!

Then two stations from Republic of Georgia called me, 4L4MG Murman & 4L1AMM Amiran wow this is great! Very weak I was hearing E?3 I tried but couldn’t get the prefix so I was not sure where to turn the beam. A DL station told me that it was EI3 so I asked everyone to stand by and not to help as I tried again to call the EI3, his signal picked up well on backscatter I got him this time it was EI3GV Brendan in Ireland. I needed Ireland for my personal challenge of working as many DXCC’s as I can in 2010. That contact was followed by MW0CND Martin in Swansea another backscatter contact. The afternoon continued well with many more countries logged. By 17:00z I had logged 130 stations on 10m from about 20 countries, not a huge amount by any means but just great fun. Thanks to all of you.