OY4TN Trygvi wrote to me today with the great news that Faroe Islands have extended the 4m Band Plan to 69.950 MHz – 70.500 MHz also an increase up to 100w.
Trygvi very much enjoys 4m so expect to hear more of OY4YN and other OY Hams on 4m.
Author - Tim Beaumont
Designs for the Sebatik Island IOTA OC-295 DX’Pedition are now being finalised and the card will soon be at the printshop and be ready for distrubution end of October.
QSL cards are Via M0URX.
OY4TN Trygvi reports……….. “On October 10th & 11th we had a great tropo opening from the Faroe Islands. It was great fun for me working a lot of ON, PA and DL – also worked a few G stations and a single LA QSO. All together close to 200 QSO on 2M and 70cm.
Other stations active were OY1OF on 2M/P and he did work a lot of PA/ON/DL on 2M FM with a small mobile antenna and 50W.
OY9JD did work some 23cm and 70cm /P
And OY3JE managed to do a few QSO on 23cm from home QTH.Today (16-10) we had JOTA activety from our club station, activating the OY6JAM callsign. It was great fun to work the JOTA together with the scouts, all QSO were made on SSB, but we did demonstrate a bit of digital & SSTV.
Hopfully there will be some new HAM in the near future, because they seems to be quite interested in ham radio.
Vy 73’s Trygvi de OY4TN”
Photo by OY1OF Ólavur Photo by OY4TN Trygvi
The new QSL card for VK8NSB Stuie has now been designed and has arrived from the printer.
QSL Sponsored by United Radio QSL Bureau
73, Steve, 9M6DXX
In an email tonight from OY1OF Ólavur Frederiksen explains that the air waves over the Faroe Islands have been quieter than normal this summer due to the shack renovation of the FRA HQ. Floors, ceilings and roof have all been replaced. Thanks to Ólavur for the following photographic images of the work being done. It is great to hear the Islanders “On Air” from the new refurbished shack. You can view more of Ólavur’s gallery here.
John 9M6XRO, Steve 9M6DXX and Gordon 9M6/G3USR arrived back in Kota Kinabalu last night. John reports:
“6578 in 3.5 days. Gordon & Steve made 3064 on SSB and I did 3514 as 9M6XRO/P on CW, so it was close to a 50-50 split between SSB and CW (46.6% SSB and 53.4% CW). I have had a lot of nice emails in and the DX Cluster comments for us look pretty good too. We are all very happy with the QSO count, and we gave out a lot of “new ones” for 9M6 even for the non-IOTA chasers.”
Both logs have been uploaded onto the online log search this afternoon, also to LoTW. The team will be meeting tomorrow to decide which photographs to use for the QSL cards which will be designed soon.
I received a telephone call from Stuie VK8NSB today. Sadly his QSL Manager and personal friend VK6NE passed away.
Stuie asked me to take over QSL Management for VK8NSB. New QSL cards will be available very soon. Please be patient while we print new cards.
I have uploaded the log for VK8NSB onto my logsearch.
QSL is Direct Via M0URX or Bureau via my Online QSL Request Service.
Any QSL cards already in the Bureau system will be rerouted.
Today more boxes of QSL cards arrived from the RSGB Bureau. Here is a breakdown of the work in progress:
Incoming Bureau cards arrived 28th September 2010 for the following call series.
2,700 QSL cards for the G4Dxx – Sorted and dispatched 30/09/2010.
1,400 QSL cards for the G4Rxx – Sorted and dispatched 01/10/2010.
3,200 QSL cards Via M0URX. 4,600 Dispatched 05/11/2010
The Sebatik Island OC-295 Team are ready for the long drive from their base in Kota Kinabalu. 9M6XRO John sent me his latest log update today with the following text.
“I just thought I’d clear the decks before leaving for Sebatik Island in the morning so I will send you the 9M6XRO log up to date. We have the CRV all packed and ready to roll at 6am in about 7 hours time for the 550km to Tawau, overnight there, then boat to Sebatik about noon L/T on the 24th. We hope to have at least one station on by the 24th evening but I think we can manage to get both set up with a bit of luck. We met the deputy headmaster of the Wallace Bay school for lunch today in KK and from his description things have improved a lot since 2006 and sounds like we will have no problem setting up the two stations and antennas on the jetty which he says is 300 ft long with lighting along its length.
OK, we’ll see. I’ll get this off to you then pack the laptop – and my camera this time! 73 – John – 9M6XRO”
9M6XRO/P (CW) and 9M6DXX/P (SSB) are now both active on IOTA OC-295. This is only the second time that OC-295 has been active, the last time was in July 2006 with 3,600 QSOs logged with the call sign 9M4SEB. So we are expecting this activity to be in demand by IOTA hunters. There will be two QSL cards printed, one for each callsign so if you do work both please check my Direct & Bureau Instructions for QSL Info.
Where is Sebatik Island? Click Here > Map of Sebatik Island OC-295
The log will be uploaded AFTER the activity in a few days.