Author - Tim Beaumont

VK8DX On Air!

VK8DX is the new call sign “On Air” from Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Oliver Bross, MW0JRX / OM0ARX recently moved to Darwin and can be found calling CQ on HF.
QSL Via M0URX. Please be patient as we have yet to design and print the QSL card! 

UR Bureau News

10,000’th OQRS Request
I introduced the Online QSL Request System (OQRS) in September 2008 and since then 10,000 OQRS emails have been processed. Thank you for using this system which does save huge amounts of Bureau resources in both money and time. However, still far too few Radio Amateurs are bothering to check QSL information on, resulting in many thousands of Bureau cards being sent through the Bureau that should have used the OQRS.

The whole idea of using an OQRS is that for many DXpeditions and some DX calls, the DX operator does not need to collect the QSL cards, he is an “activator” and for these contacts a simple OQRS is all that is needed to get your Bureau QSL fast and efficiently.

Responsible Bureau Use?
We have to be more responsible against wasting money. It costs huge sums of money to ship tens of thousands of Bureau cards around the World. Many people think that the Bureau QSL is free! It is not free. In the case of QSL cards that are sent out from here, all costs are paid for by the generous donations paid by Direct QSL users that support the Bureau system for everyone to use. Also of course the time of dedicated volunteer Bureau staff around the World. Sadly I have to admit, that a lot of money here is spent retrieving Bureau QSL cards INCORRECTLY routed through the Bureau system by the sender.

RSGB Bureau puts restrictions on cards!
I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the RSGB QSL Bureau over the last few months I have been informed that the RSGB will not accept high quality QSL cards, too heavy. Will not allow contest call signs to be sent Via M0URX. These HAVE to be sent to the contest Sub manager instead. QSL Cards “Via” it has been announced are not welcome.

I will always support and honour Bureau QSL requests, but I would ask you to think BEFORE you send another shipment of QSL cards to the Bureau. If a QSL from you is required from the activators that use my system you can be sure that I will ask you to send your card too.

Log Update
If you request a OQRS for Bureau, then you must update the QSL SENT field in your log with QSL Sent. This way, when you get the QSL you will understand that I do NOT need yours! “Thanks QSL” on my QSO report label should be a hint!

T88ZM & KH0/G3ZEM OQRS requests will be processed when the logs arrive from Bob Henderson.

New Topband Website
Nick UY0ZG writes in to inform us of a new website, “Ukraine Topband” dedicated to the 160m enthusiast. The site is in Russian language, Google Translate is a good way to read in your local language.

QSL Cards arrive!
A 40 kg box arrived from the printer this week with the latest batch of QSL cards. Among them was VE2CSI QSL card, for the Association de Radioamateur Sept-Iles. Direct QSL cards have been posted this week.



9M6DXX, 9M6XRO, M0URX, MW0JZE, VK8DX & VK8NSB will be operating from Timor-Leste (East Timor) between 16 and 26 September 2011. The location will be Atauro Island, OC-232, 30km north of the capital, Dili.

The group is working closely with the Timor-Leste licensing authority and the DXpedition callsign will be announced soon.

There will be three stations, two using full licensed power linear amplifiers, and a third running 100W. Antennas will mainly be quarter-wave verticals and vertical dipoles, all located within a few metres of the ocean. For 160m an inverted-L will be used.

Activity will be on all bands 10 – 160m using CW, SSB and RTTY.

Atauro Island was chosen in order to provide a quiet location, well away from the electrical noise of down-town Dili. The beach-front site will allows the group to put up vertical antennas right by the ocean, providing additional low-angle gain. In addition, the island counts as OC-232 and is part of a very rare IOTA group, having being confirmed by only 18% of active IOTA participants.

Accommodation on Atauro Island is very basic and the team will be in beach huts with no mains electricity or running water. All power for the DXpedition will be provided using hired generators. As such, the group will be requesting donations. A website will be available soon and further details will be published on the website.

QSL via M0URX, direct (SAE plus 1 IRC / $2), via the bureau, or LoTW. Alternatively, QSLs may be requested using M0URX’s OQRS form.

Aurora over Faroe Islands


OY1OF Ólavur Frederiksen emailed today “I am now able to work from my car, I am using a FT-897, but right now only on 70cm, 2m, 10m,next week I hope to have antennas for 6m, 15m, 17,
We did have a strong Aurora last night, and I was out taking some pictures of it”

Ólavur thank you for allowing us to see these stunning images of last nights Aurora, quite breathtaking!

T88ZM & KH0/G3ZEM February 2011


Bob, 5B4AGN is QRV in Palau, OC-009 from February 1st – 8th, 2011.

Operating from the Palau Rental Shack, he will be active on CW only with the callsign T88ZM.

Online Log.

Bureau ONLY Via Online QSL Request System.

Following his trip to Palau, Bob 5B4AGN will be QRV as KH0/G3ZEM from the Saipan Rental Shack between February 9 – 16 2011

Again active on CW only, HF bands.


QSL cards will be sponsored by United Radio QSL Bureau.

Poor Band Conditions for VP8ORK

I was watching a quite heated discussion on the cluster today. Yes I know the cluster is NOT for discussion, that was not the point of my post. The content of the discussion was about the fact that many hams cannot hear VP8ORK on the South Orkeny Islands, and one ham implied that “Without money you can’t play in the premier league of DX” saying that you need money to buy big antennas and big amps. Well no I completely disagree. Anyone can play in the premier league of Big Guns even the QRP guys get the chance at some point in the game.

There is also a lot of fortune involved too. My experience this month with friends around the UK who have identical shack equipment is that if you are fortunate to live near the coast the advantage you will have with enhancement from the salt water during these low sunspot days is the difference between hearing the DX and NOT hearing the DX. Living inland in the City the problem I have had, is hearing the DX! I always work on the assumption that if you can hear it, you can work it.

So, it is not down to big money and power. Take M0TNX Kev for example. Kev has made a homebrew top band antenna and is working the DX. Kev has been out Portable near the sea and put up a simple vertical dipole. As Kev found out, the advantage that being next to the sea is probably equivalent to the guy inland with a 2 or 3 element Yagi at 40 feet.

The MUF charts show a story, and if you are in the area located where the MUF chart says “MUF 14 MHz” you are not going to work VP8ORK on 21 MHz even if you have an Optibeam 13 element. There are so many factors that are involved in being able to work the DX or not. Being Portable and adaptable to the changes in conditions, MUF, topography are all in the challenge of the DX’er. 

Luckily I do have VP8ORK in the log on 20m SSB. It was the faintest of signals but just enough for me to work the guys. They are doing a terrific job down in South Orkney Island, if only the Sun would boost the Sunspot Numbers so we can all have another shot. One thing is certain, DX’ing gets very addictive when chasing an expedition such as VP8ORK.
Thank you to the team on VP8/O!



The VE2CSI QSL card has now been designed and will arrive here in about two weeks. VE2CSI is the club call sign for Association De Radioamateurs Sept-Iles Inc, which is located in the south of CQ Zone 2.

Direct QSL cards posted out in mid February.
Bureau cards in my next Bureau shipment.

Your incoming Bureau QSL is NOT required for this QSL please ONLY use the OQRS for Bureau.

International Outward Bureau Mailing

For the attention of Radio Amateurs in the United Kingdom (Only) 

As I have been asked a few times in recent weeks if i can provide this service, I am now pleased to announce that I am able to offer UK Amateurs an “Outward QSL Bureau Service”, posting to World Bureaus.

This service is mainly directed to heavy users of the Bureau where the QSL manager is not permitted to send the cards through the QSL Bureau. But is also open to ANY UK Radio Amateurs that want to send QSL cards to World Bureaus

For a charge of £15 per kilogram of QSL cards, I will forward Bureau cards to all World Bureaus every two months. These will be sent by Priority Air Mail.

Bulk users (for example DX’pedition QSL Managers) should contact me by email to apply for discount.


Firstly, email contact [email protected] to confirm your request to use the service and to confirm weight of Bureau posting.

Cheque payable to Tim Beaumont for £15 per kilo or by pre arranged amount agreed Via email.

All packing instructions are exactly the same as you would normally do when sending cards through the Bureau.

All QSL cards must be in Alpha – Numerical order and separated into Bureau piles using elastic bands.

Any cards destined for UK Radio Amateurs must be sent direct to the RSGB Bureau NOT me.

Any QSL routing “Via” MUST be correctly located in your packs!

Who can use my Bureau Forwarding Service?
Any UK Radio Amateur can use my service provided they follow my instructions above.

If any UK hams want to discuss using my service for outward QSL Bureaus you can phone me on 07976 292980.


For a guide to correctly bundling your Bureau cards you can view a list of IARU World Bureaus and prefixes here

VK8NSB Live Streaming


Stuie VK8NSB, from Darwin, the Capital of the Northern Territory in Australia, has introduced “Live Web Stream” to his shack.
You are welcome to view when Stuie is QRV. You can find the live stream at: