Author - Tim Beaumont

9M6XRO New QSL Design



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?>A new QSL card has been designed for John 9M6XRO. Ten thousand QSL cards have been sent out in the last four years so it is time to have a new design. Cards will be available from March.


St Paul Island CY9M – 2012


Press Release #1
St Paul Island is called the ”Graveyard of the Gulf” and that is where an international, seasoned team of DXers will be heading to later this year.

Plans are well under way for a 10-man team to activate this now wanted DXCC entity, which was last on air in 2005. When you consider most needed entities (perhaps out with the Top 10) are activated every five years or so, it is now time to mount a serious effort from CY9.

Most operators will be unaware that in 2010, St Paul Island became the highest mover on DX Magazines most wanted list; from #77 to #47. Today, according to that list and ClubLog, CY9 is more needed than entities such as Tokelau (ZK3) or PY0T (Trindade & Martim Vaz).

The team consists of Mike AB5EB, Oscar EA1DR, George EA2TA, Christian EA3NT, Simon IZ7ATN, Col MM0NDX, Bjorn SM0MDG, Vicky SV2KBS, Steve VA3FM and Kevin VE3EN.

From late July to early August, IOTA contest included, the group will be active all bands, modes (160-2m) with special attention on 6m and 160m if propagation allows.

A website is currently under construction and will be ready in a few short weeks where much more info can be found.

QSL manager for the expedition is M0URX. For more information click CY9M



Work is continuing with TN2T, all direct letters received have been processed through the log, with OQRS requests being processed at the same time.

Max ON5UR has designed the QSL card which has now been printed and due to arrive here on 22nd February. QSL cards will be posted soon after.

LoTW has already been uploaded shortly after the DXpedition.

V85/9M8Z Brunei Darussalam


Steve 9M6DXX writes “I will be QRV as V85/9M8Z from Brunei (IOTA OC-088) from around 0900UTC on Friday 10 February until about 0100UTC on Monday 13 February. Activity will be on 10 – 80m, SSB only, using a Butternut HF6-V vertical on top of the hotel roof over 100ft high. On 80m I plan to use a quarter-wave inverted-L with elevated radials, also around 100ft high. Sunrise in Brunei is at 2236UTC, sunset at 1033UTC. QSL via M0URX direct (with SAE and $2 or 1 new IRC), bureau, OQRS or LoTW.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW within a day or two of the operation concluding.”

73, Steve, 9M6DXX / 9M8Z

Aurora over Faroe Islands


OY1OF Ólavur Frederiksen this week reports that the strong Aurora made some quite specacular views on Faroe Islands. Thanks for sharing these beautiful images.
Photographs courtesy of Ólavur Frederiksen.


QSL Services Available

Are you a DXpeditoner in the United Kingdom?
If you are a DXpeditioner planning an overseas expedition this year or a QSL manager sending International mailings and you are in the United Kingdom then you may be interested to read that i can add you as a “poster” on my International mailing contract.
You do not need to be posting huge amounts of mail to benefit from international posting at discount prices.
At a time when every penny counts and budgets are tightly squeezed this could help your DXpedition financially.
Once registered you will be expected to separate the mail into two Zones, European Union countries and Rest of the World, all in alphabetical order. You will need a set of letter scales and a calculator.
All billing is done on line, once you have filled in the posting docket and taken the mail to the nearest mail centre you transfer the money to my bank on line.
If you you are interested to know more please contact me off line or call me on 07976 292980.
QSL Managers Available for Worldwide Teams
If you are looking for experienced QSL Manager services for your DXpedition? Then both Charles Wilmott M0OXO and Tim Beaumont M0URX both have capacity for QSL manager work for DXpeditions and IOTA’s for 2012 and 2013.
OQRS and Pay Pal facilities incorporated on both websites.
Fully supported for Bureau in, and outbound QSLing direct to World Bureaus.
Fast LoTW uploads.
All QSL printing taken care of.
Fast and efficient outgoing direct QSL mailings assured.
and much more…

If you need further information please contact us direct.

Bureau QSL Posting

5,762 QSL cards have now been packaged up to World Bureaus. These will all be posted on Friday 30th December.

Germany 1,097 – Russia 807 – Czeck Rep 430  – Poland 390 – Italy 281 – Belgium 273  – Netherlands 218,

The rest is made up with packages to:
Alaska, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela.

Some may think that using the Bureau system is free, well I am sorry to say it is not free.This lot weighing 29.5 kgs just cost GBP £196.41 to post.

Wow, i have just calculated that during 2011, I have posted 27,316 QSL cards to World Bureaus.
Aprox’ 200 letters ready to post on Wednesday, just waiting for New Year holidays to pass before posting.

Happy New Year from the Faroe Islands


In an email from OY1OF, Ólavur Frederiksen explains that he has been QRV as OY1OF/M in recent days working into North America.

Ólavur would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year.

Thanks for the photgraphs Ólavur I wish you all the best wishes for 2012.