Author - Tim Beaumont

10m Is On Fire!

Wow what a morning on 10m! Although I have a day off work today I was up early and switched on the computer to check on emails and check band conditions, all very quiet but I noticed that a warning of an X1.8 flare had been issued at 0322z this morning. So I made a cup of tea and back into the shack to wait for the bands to open. 

10m opened at 0700z with a QSO to Paul VK5PAS in Adelaide Australia, closely followed by a spot on the cluster for VR2XMT Charlie in Hong Kong, always a good operator to work and with a very strong 59 signal. I decided to call CQ on 28.528 MHz and soon had many European and Asiatic Russians calling me, “what was that a ZL? The ZL again please?” “Zulu Lima One Bravo Charlie Golf calling you” Just brilliant my first ZL on 10m, I love that buzz you get from working DX, conditions just excellent.

Then many Japanese stations calling in. After about an hour it seemed to go quiet so i tuned around, I found Glenn G8NOF further down the band working a VK2, I joined them for a few minutes as Glenn wanted to go QRT so he said take the frequency so again I called CQ DX beaming towards VK, and VU3KPL from Bangalore India called in another CQ and a reply I struggled to work out where to beam all I was getting was L7 or NL, i tried again, and got the call “NL7V beaming long bath” rotator turned to about 150 degrees and there he was NL7V in Alaska some 20,720 miles on long path. we also tried the short path which was slightly stronger, Glenn called back in to work the NL7 I noticed a huge echo with G8NOF it sounded like our ignal was going dual path around the globe also and was arriving back with a dual echo, great to hear and something I don’t hear very often on 10m. 
Phewww, I need a cup of tea! 

MX0LDG Lundy Island EU-120.


How it all started – Written by Anthony David MW0JZE.

A few months ago I was asked to supply 1 x Hexbeam to John M5JON for his solo Lundy trip accompanied by his XYL Sarah, attached to that was an invite if I was interested. Was I interested, was I!!!! Always up for an injection of RF and the more remote location the better. As the weeks progressed we were joined by Pete M0ILT and Chris G1VDP. John booked the Stony Croft cottage which to my knowledge is the highest point of the island all apart from the old Lighthouse which was right next to us. A date was set and plans were being made, Mid Oct was decided as the date and we all planned our leave from work. 
Three stations were agreed on with two main and one spare: 121020121325
Station one : TS-590 Expert Amp Hexbeam. 
Station two: K3 KPA-500 Amp Hexbeam. 
Station three: IC-706 100w ¼ vertical 40m.

Unfortunately Chris G1VDP had to pull out with only 6 weeks left before the trip, we made the decision not to replace him confident that we could still manage with 3 ops. We changed the TS 590 to the TS 570, still a great radio.

Wed 10th Oct 2012
John M5JON drove up to Wales to pick myself up (MW0JZE) as I just had two much stuff to carry on the train, almost 60KG, and that was without the Hexbeams!!  Arrived at Johns around 8pm, few glasses of wine and an early night.

Thursday 11th Oct 
A 5pm start was needed as the MS Oldenburg sails from Ilfracombe North Devon which is approx. 2.5 hour drive from John M5JON QTH and we also had to pick Pete M0ILT up from Taunton en route. We arrived with 1.5 hours to spare so we found a nice little café were a very welcomed breakfast and coffee awaited us. 

The crossing was around 2 hours and we arrived at 12 midday after a few beers on the ship!

 As all the baggage is taken to the accommodation we took advantage of a lift in a Landover as the walk up to the small village is quite steep and we wanted to save our energy for setting up the 3 stations.  Due to the workload that the staff had at that particular time we had to wait almost 2.5 hours for it to be delivered, this was cutting it a bit fine to get the 2 hexbeams up before it started to get dark. As the kit arrived we were quickly unpacking all the antennas, none of us had ever worked together as a team before , 

121020121323I was impressed how well we all got on and managed to erect the 2 hexbeams, 1x 40m vertical and 3 stations in around 3.5 hours with very strong winds. Each hexbeam was at 6.5m with a 4 way guy system and manual rotation from the base of the mast with rotatable guy rings. The 40m vertical had only 4 radials, we were going to cut more on site but we never did. It worked very well with only 4.

 I was the first to call MX0LDG at 20:33 GMT on 40m and was soon running quite a pile-up into EU, IC8AJU was first in the log. 117 stations were logged during the first hour. I was surprised by this as I along with John and Pete thought that Lundy had been done many many times in the past. Station was closed at 22:45 as the power goes off at 23:00 GMT or midnight local time with 182 in the log.

2004 02070012

Band conditions were not fantastic but Lundy seemed to be quite wanted by many EU ops on the HF bands. On investigation it seems that many other expeditions to Lundy have been light weight in comparison to what we carried out or mainly on VHF. On times the pile-ups were quite intense logging over 150 per hour at times, this was short lived as the QSB was massive, 59 to 43 in a few seconds which slowed the rate down.  

On the Saturday and Sunday there was a Scandinavian contest which made 40, 20, 15 and 10m quite congested so we concentrated on the WARC bands. 17m was very busy but 12m did not come alive until later in the afternoon. 12m attracted quite a few American stations with K5DXX in NM being the best. Total of 16 states being logged along with quite a few South Africans stations around the same time off the side of the beam, not to mention lots of EU.

As the days went past we also tried to take a few breaks for some exploring, we found the Pub and the shop HI. The Pub or Tavern seems to be the centre of the islands activities and is the venue for flight briefings, ships departure updates and any other important information. While most of the cooking was to be done in our cottage it was decided we would spend an evening or two at the Tavern,  the food here is great with plenty of choice from Gammon Egg and Chips (Or was that Ham Pete) to some more rarer menu items such as Goat, I can recommend the Goat personally. John and Pete said I was behaving like a Kid after HI. The shop is where you can stock up on food, drink (beer) and Lundy merchandize ranging from stamps to clothing. 

121020121312Lundy is home to Three Light Houses Lundy Old Devon ENG 073 (Our cottage was next to Lundy Old) Lundy North ENG 074 Lundy South ENG 075 If you would like to climb up the Old Devon Light ENG 073 you will need to sign a disclaimer saying that you will not jump off the top, I am not kidding here! If you agree not to jump then you will be given the key to exit the light room and walk along the balcony, what a view. I live in South Wales in a town called Llanelli which is approx. 50 miles or 80 Kilometres due north from Lundy across the sea and with binocular’s I was able to see Burry port Light house Wal 035 only a few miles from my house quite clearly. This is a great place to take photos from on a clear day.

We were due to depart the island on the Tuesday afternoon so both Hexbeams, spare station and one main station were packed away. The 40m vertical and one main station were kept up for some last evening’s activity on 40m. With all the gear packed away we returned to the Tavern for the last meal of our stay only to be told that the ship would not be running the next day due to high 60mph winds and high sea swell. 

121Normally a Helicopter is on standby by to airlift visitors off but there were no spare pilots so an extra day’s stay was enforced upon us! So back to the shack for another day!! 40m opened up quite nicely with many EU stations late into Monday night. Tuesday was very windy as promised and the 40m vert had taken quite a beating by the wind and needed to be guyed more securely. With the built in tuner on the HF amp we tried tuning the vertical on other bands with some success but mainly on 20m as it was acting like a very crude ½ wave. We closed the log with 5078 in the log and last station logged was 9A6TKS.

Wednesday morning soon came around and we were ready to go by 9:30, off to the tavern for a flight briefing. There was a small flight supplement of £27 to pay for the helicopter, this is a cheap opportunity to fly in a helicopter and a first for me! By 18:00 we had dropped Pete off at home and had arrived back in Bristol awaiting my XYL Laura MW6INK to pick me up for my last leg trip home to Llanelli. One small point, Lundy is ONLY 41 miles from my home, it took me 7.5 hours traveling!!! May be I will charter a boat directly next time!

Final stats for MX0LDG are as follows: 

109 DXCC
37 on 10
23 on 12
56 on 15
61 on 17
91 on 20
60 on 40 
We had a massive 10k hits on our qrz page in a week, amazing!!! Many thanks for working us and making our trip as successful as it was.
John M5JON Team leader
Pete M0ILT Team Elder
Ant MW0JZE Team antenna man and head chief

MX0LDG Lundy Island EU-120


A small group of 3 like minded DXer’s have come together to form the Lundy DX Group and have obtained the Club call sign of MX0LDG.

The first activation of the group will be from Lundy Island EU-120 from the 11th – 16th October 2012.

They will be running 2 stations, 3 where possible, on all bands from 40m through 6m, on SSB with the possibility of some data modes from 06:00 hrs to 00:00 hrs each day. The islands electricity is turned off between 00:00 hrs and 06:00 hrs every night. This will be sleep time for the ops.

The equipment to be used will be a Elecraft K3 with a KPA500 amp, a Kenwood TS590s with a Expert 1K amp (400W) and a IC706 as a backup radio/3rd station.

Antennas will be 2 x G3TXQ Hexbeams supplied and built by Ant, MW0JZE, the main sponsor of the activation and a 1/4 wave vertical for 40m.

Team Members: John, M5JON, Peter, M0ILT, Ant, MW0JZE.

QSL Information: QSL Via M0URX

The log will be uploaded to ClubLog and LoTW.

Please use the OQRS on Tim’s website.

IOTA Reference: EU120
LOTA: Lundy Island Old Devon Light ARLHS ENG – 073
GRID REF : SS132 442

16/10/2012 – Update: Stuck on island for another day. WX is bad so no boats sailing. Helicopter does not have any pilots so we fly out tomorrow morning. We have one station still running with a 40m 1/4 wave with several radials. The Vertical tunes well on 15m and are transmitting on 21.255 for a few more hours. Just over 5k in the log and all will be uploaded to LoTW and clublog soon.

Many thanks for working us. MX0LDG (M5JON, M0ILT & MW0JZE)


Orange International Call Charges Shocking!

In our hobby of Amateur Radio and especially with my work in QSL management and areas of DXpeditioning I often find myself needing to make International telephone calls, and for convenience I use my mobile phone network “Orange” which has in the past 16 years that I have had a contract with this communications company their International phone charges were very reasonable, up until just recently! I was staggered to see a charge on my bill for £7 for 11 minutes of a call to Belgium. I immediately contacted the billing department to inform them of a mistake in the billing of this call, only to be told that the call charge was correct.
The chart on the left shows the new per minute International call charges for each zone.
On investigation it appears that the reason for this massive hike in International call charges is down to the regulators across Europe forcing down the cost of International Roaming charges, in an attempt to recoup revenue, Orange have stuck up two fingers to me and other loyal customers and raised Internatiional call charges from the UK to a these high charges.
Orange have refunded me the cost of my International charges for last month and apologised for not informing me of this price rise. However these International call charges are not going to change!
So beware! Check your network, you may be in for a shock like I was! 

IRC’s To Be Phased Out In UK

Here in the UK for some time we have been trying to find out the long term security of International Reply Coupons. We now have an answer from Royal Mail about the rumoured phasing out of IRCs
“Due to declining international mail volumes and electronic substitution, customer demand for International Reply Coupons has been falling dramatically over the last few years. Overall sales of International Reply Coupons have been very low indeed – on average just 4 per annum bought from each Post Office branch. Therefore, it was no longer commercially viable to maintain the sale of coupons and Royal Mail has taken the decision to withdraw them from sale.
International Reply Coupons have not been withdrawn globally from sale. Under UPU regulations Royal Mail through Post Office Counters is obliged to redeem International Reply Coupons presented having been purchased overseas, but we are not obliged to sell them. However, I can confirm that customer have up to December 2013 to redeem IRCs.”   
This seems to be much more in line with the Royal Mail’s responsibilities under their UPU membership.  Looks like they’re safe until 31st December 2013. It may be that the UPU will change their rules after that date!
United Radio will be phasing out IRCs as we will then not be able to redeem them for stamps or cash.

MS0OXE QSL Preview


Here is the QSL card preview for MS0OXE. QSL cards are now in the print room and will be posted out during October.


MS0OXE QSL Preview


Here is the QSL card preview for MS0OXE. QSL cards are now in the print room and will be posted out during October.

Bureau Posting News Outgoing!

Saturday 29th September 2012 – 9,283 QSL cards dispatched to World Bureaus directly.

The biggest parcels are:Japan 1,827, Germany 1,305, Russian Fed 792.
This posting includes QSL cards from the recent activities of 5B/G4MKP, 9M4SLL & CY9M.

Total weight:40.1 kg, Total postage cost: £290.39, average 3p per Bureau card.
For a full list of Bureau packages click read more tab.

Read More

UK Phasing Out IRC’s

I was informed at the Post Office today that the next stage of the withdrawal of International Reply Coupons from the UK will soon take place. 
“QSL Via M0URX” will now be phasing out the use of IRC’s for exchanging QSL cards. 
I will continue to sell IRC’s for the time being while I have stock.
This is completely out of my control so I am sorry that as from the end of 2012 NO IRC’s will be accepted.
I do not have a date that the Post Office will stop accepting IRC’s it is likely that the service will just be withdrawn without notice.
QSL exchange will be $2 by post or OQRS €2.