Author - Tim Beaumont

Laos 2013 DXpedition


A multi-national multi-operator DXpedition to Vientiane, Laos, is being planned for September 6 – 16, 2013. Team members 9M6DXX, 9V1YC, EA2TA, EA3NT, EA5KA, F4BKV, G3XTT and MM0NDX plan to operate five stations from 160m to 6m on CW, SSB and RTTY. A website is being produced and will be available soon. The callsign and further details will be announced later.

Steve, 9M6DXX (Now Scaled down to 2 operators)

9M4SLL Single QSL Preview 2013


Another day, another QSL design from Max, ON5UR. Here is the QSL preview for the 9M4SLL, Spratly Layang Layang Island. Single card to be sent out for Bureau.


9U4U QSL Cards Posted

Tuesday 9th April 2013 – 2,724 letters have been posted today containing mostly 9U4U QSL cards. Last night I worked through the night to capture the latest QSL requests before taking all the mail to the local sorting office this afternoon.
There are about 100 9U4U letters containing “multi QSL requests” that I have held back waiting for the 9M4SLL and XW8XZ QSL cards to be printed before posting can be done. If you have requested 9U4U along with those QSL cards then your cards will be posted soon.
I expect to post all Bureau cards direct to World Bureaus during May.
Many thanks to Charles, M0OXO, and Chris, G1VDP, for their excellent help last weekend in preparing the posting. Thank you!
Photo above: 9U4U letters posted.
Photo right: Chris G1VDP filling envelopes.

9M4SLL QSL Preview 2013

QSL-9M2SLL-Dubbel-2 1

The 9M4SLL DXpediton double QSL has now been designed and will has been sent to the print room.      









OLD IRC’s – What to do with them?

The search is on to find unwanted, expired OLD IRC’s. Do you have any of the old yellow style or even the really old blues, or how about any out of date CN01 style IRC’s? 
Please have a look in your drawers or hidden away in the radio shack.
Although I CANNOT accept them as part of return postage, I would like to collect them here and send them to the UPU. All money cashed in will be used to pay for the printing of QSL cards for forthcoming DXpeditons and also used to pay for the Bureau postage costs sending all our QSL cards to the World Bureaus.

XW8XZ 30/03/2013 – 03/04/2013


Steve, 9M6DXX, will be operating holiday style as XW8XZ from near Vientiane, Laos, between 30 March and 3 April. Activity will be SSB only, using 100 watts (the maximum power permitted by the licence) to a Butternut HF6V-X antenna with 12/17m kit.

QSL via M0URX, by OQRS, or Direct, or via the Bureau.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW as quickly as possible after the operation.


Large stock of IRC’s For Sale Worldwide CLICK HERE for more information.

9U4U Single QSL Preview


Here is the single QSL card preview for 9U4U Burundi DXpedition.


QSL designed by Max ON5UR

9U4U QSL Preview


The 9U4U Burundi QSL is now ready for the printroom. The double QSL has been designed by ON5UR, Max.
There will be a single QSL for the Bureau. QSL Via M0URX.

Posting date expected 12th April 2013.


QSL Preview KH2/G3ZEM & V63ZM


QSL Preview for KH2/G3ZEM, Guam Island, and V63ZM, Federated States of Micronesia.

Posting date expected to be all sent out 2nd April 2013. 




DXCC ADIF Country Identifier Spratly Islands


9M4SLL Team would like to remind you that some logging software may not identify 9M4SLL as being Spratly Islands. If this is the case with your log please manually change the DXCC ADIF Country Identifier to 247 Spratly Islands.

The log will be uploaded to LoTW at the earliest opportunity, but remember your log must have the correct ADIF country identifer number to match on LoTW. Thank you.

9M4SLL LoTW uploaded up to 15/03/2013 0306z.