Author - Tim Beaumont



Barry Zarucki M0DGQ will be QRV as D44TXP, Cape Verde Islands, 27th August until 11th September 2013 inclusive, on 20 & 40 metres, CW only. Power will be only 20 W, with wire antennas near the waters edge.

Barry will be QRV as a holday station with his family on Island of Sal IOTA AF-086.

OQRS Preferred Direct and Bureau.


9M6DXX will go QRT in October


After more than eight years in Malaysia, my wife Eva, 9M6EVA, and I have decided to move on to another part of the world. We leave Malaysia on 1 November, therefore 9M6DXX will go QRT some time in October. 9M8Z has already closed down; the last QSO from that station was made in the RSGB IOTA Contest in July.

We will be moving to Bonaire and we hope to be active with PJ4 callsigns before the end of the year.

Thanks for all the QSOs from 9M6DXX and 9M8Z (also 9M6DXX/P, 9M8Z/P, XU7DXX, V8FEO, V85/9M8Z, FK/G4JVG, T32MI / CI / VI / SI, 4W6A, GD4JVG and 9M4SLL) since 2005. It’s been fun! 

73, Steve, 9M6DXX

IRC’s No Longer Accepted


IRC’s can no longer be redeemed in the United Kingdom. Please note, I will NOT be accepting IRC’s. 

Any letters with IRC’s will in future be sent Via Bureau.

I am getting a lot of IRC’s coming in. People just ignore the fact I say NO IRC. No problem for me, the QSL will just go Via Bureau. PLEASE read instructions before you send ANY QSL cards. Information is VERY clear on QRZ and on this website.

Please check the costs below BEFORE you send me your QSL. No funds? No QSL SIMPLE!!!!

 QSL Direct
      1 QSL only by post     =    US $2           or Paypal 2 Euros. OQRS  (STRICTLY NO IRCs)

Multi QSL Direct – If you need to request more QSL cards take advantage of my Multi QSL offer.
As some of you DX and QSL as a group or friends, to reduce costs this may help you.

     2 to 4 QSL’s by post    =    US $3           or Paypal 3 Euros.   OQRS 
   5 to 10 QSL’s by post    =    US $5           or Paypal 5 Euros.   OQRS 
 11 to 20 QSL’s by post    =    US $7           or Paypal 7 Euros.   OQRS 
 to 30 QSL’s by post    =    US $12         or Paypal 10 Euros. OQRS

PJ4V QSL Preview


The QSL from the recent activity by Steve Telenius-Lowe from Bonaire PJ4V is now in the print room and will be available for posting in early August.


PJ4V QSL Preview


The QSL from the recent activity by Steve Telenius-Lowe from Bonaire PJ4V is now in the print room and will be available for posting in early August.




Steve, 9M6DXX, will be active again as 9M8Z (OC-088) from 24 to 29 July, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (single op, all-band SSB, high-power, 24 hours). QSL via M0URX, OQRSdirect or via the RSGB bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW as soon as possible 
after the operation.

73, Steve, 9M6DXX / 9M8Z

QSL cards are in stock and will be mailed out very quickly.

QSL Work Explained

Being a QSL manager brings with it a lot of responsibilities to both the DXpedition or DX station and to you the deserving. Since i started as a QSL manager in 2007, I have learned a lot about the expectations and requirements that I am required to provide, the global nature of QSL’ing is a 24/7 job in itself.

Some of the actions are just common sense but are alien to many, for example having a dedicated email address where people can ask questions and get a fast answer, most of the questions relate to busted calls or to lost letters and these have to be answered and resolved. Getting this basic job wrong will result in a bad reputation from the start.

No matter what method of QSL the deserving choose, they want that QSL to be received as quickly as possible. Finding ways to reduce that delivery time has meant that I can do that, whether it is OQRS, direct letters or bureau requesting, I have set in place actions and methods to get those requests completed and out the door quickly. Thank you to all those emails commenting on the speed of deliveries, this is very important to me and can highlight where things are going right and when and where things are going wrong.

When problems arise then I will highlight these on my Blog so that you are aware of any issues. Posting dates of major DXpedition mailings are always detailed on the Blog, also and this is where you should first check if you are waiting for a QSL. If it does not arrive then email me, please do not wait six months, if the mailing has gone the letter should only take 7 working days at most.

It is important to remember that to provide this service to the deserving relies on excellent slick cooperation with the DX Team, they must be able to understand the complexities of the job and be able to work with me on regular accurate log updating, fast transfer of high resolution images for QSL designing and have a dedicated member of the team available to help me with any of the more unusual inquiries that may come in. The word “Team” is very important.

LoTW – Logbook of The World is one aspect of QSL’ing that is important to those of you that are working towards DXCC and Honour Roll status. There is NO excuse NOT to have logs uploaded to LoTW at the earliest opportunity and this is something that is very important to me.

I always keep in stock a large amount of materials such as QSL cards, envelopes, labels and ink cartridges so that at a minutes notice I can kick into action for that unexpected DXpedition.
Here in the United Kingdom we have many QSL managers that provide a high quality of service, although all independent we are all in touch with each other to help if required. If your DXpedition needs a QSL manager? I am proud to say here in the UK we can help you. We are ready to provide a professional QSL service to DXpedition and some IOTA teams.

PJ4NX – LoTW Update


PJ4NX is back on LoTW. We apologise for the interruption to the LoTW updates for Peter, PJ4NX. A new certificate has now been activated and the back log has been uploaded, including the recent 50 MHz QSOs which for many were an All Time New One.
I would like to thank Kathy Allison at LoTW HQ for her outstanding assistance with the documents.

Thanks to World Bureau Staff

Now, I know we all think that the Bureau is slow and that we are lucky if we get a QSL card after waiting a couple of years, but how about this?

On the 4th June 2013 I posted 14,966 Bureau QSL cards to about 70 World Bureaus directly. Since then I have had emails from Ukraine and Hungarian radio amateurs saying thanks for the Bureau cards that have already been delivered. But I have singled out the email below from SM4EPR Mats.

Hello Tim, I made OQRS June 3rd for 5B75FOC QSL. Today , June 24th , the QSL arrived through the bureau. That is kind of a record! See you further down the QSL log 73 from Mats SM4EPR

So I would like to especially thank all Sub Bureau managers, everyone that works as a volunteer at all the Bureaus! Job well done! Just 3 weeks from sending the packages I am most impressed!

Poland mail theft

A problem that is getting worse recently is the QSL cards arriving from Poland where the envelopes have been tampered with and the US$ stolen. The envelopes are then re-glued and processed through the mail system.

If you are from Poland and you want to request a QSL card from me, I strongly suggest that you do not mail US$. Please instead use my OQRS here: Thank you.