Two more new designs have been added to the United Radio QSL collection, MW/VK8NSB & 5B4AGN.
Dutch Kingdom Amateur Radio Society have issued their first magazine, click the image to get the magazine in PDF.
In this magazine from the Dutch Kingdom Amateur Radio Society you will read “in short, we are a foundation that will serve the interests of all Dutch radio amateurs in the broadest
sense of the word, and thereby also want to pay attention to interest young people in technique. Indeed, the amateur radio hobby contains a plurality of technical aspects where young people can take part in and benefit of in their future careers.
And do not forget, we’re going to organize the Dutch Kingdom Contest (DKC) ! Every year on the first weekend of June, further on in in this issue more about this”
Thank you to Peter PJ4NX for the information.
What can you do with out of date IRC’s?
United Radio QSL Bureau is taking a short break. I will be back to work on Monday 7th July. I will be answering emails during my break but QSL management will resume on my return.
I look forward to meeting many of you at the 50th IOTA Convention on the 4th to 6th July at Beaumont House Windsor.
9M6XRO/P will be operating from Labuan Island OC-133 on Thursday 26th for a long weekend staying until June 30th.
John reports “I am taking my Icom IC-7000 and IC-2KL Linear with vertical antennas. I will operate on 40-10m near
the IOTA CW & SSB freqs, possibly some RTTY also.”
For Bureau requests please only use my OQRS
United Radio QSL Bureau are very much aware that we have to make sure that QSL cards are valid for as many Award programs as possible. It is not always possible to keep everyone happy all of the time. So whether you are working towards DXCC, IOTA, QRP or whatever award where QSL cards are required I will always try to accomodate your needs.
I have recently exchanged several emails with a few QRP operators who request their QSL reports to be made out as /QRP. I would like to make it quite clear that my policy is to always write the call sign in the format that the licencing authority have licensed your Amateur Radio call sign. As far as I am aware no licencing authority issues /QRP on the licence documents. I think you would agree that if i started calling as M0URX/QSL you would think it was not correct and you would be right. Q-Codes are NOT part of your call sign! Neither is it my job as a QSL Manager to verify the power of your transmitter.
If you want a specific contact out of 5 in the log to be on a separate QSL please let me know, and providing you pay the correct postage for the amount of QSL cards you need then I will try to do this for you correctly. I have also communicated with a QRP club who have said that for their awards the QSL cards do not have to have /QRP and is down to the claimaint to verify which QSOs on a QSL are QRP.
Over the last few months the bank dollar exchange rates have been dropping quite heavily against other currencies. So that we can continue to provide the very best in QSL management our charges for QSL exchange have changed very slightly. With OQRS I have changed from €2 to GBP £2 and also increased very slightly the multi QSL offer for direct letter with $ to reflect the devalued dollar.
The following is a breakdown of Direct Postage Costs. Considering other QSL managers charge $2 per card, United Radio QSL Management Bureau believe the following is very reasonable.
2 to 4 QSL’s by post = US $3 or Paypal GBP £3. OQRS
5 to 10 QSL’s by post = US $6 or Paypal GBP £5. OQRS
11 to 20 QSL’s by post = US $9 or Paypal GBP £7. OQRS
21 to 30 QSL’s by post = US $14 or Paypal GBP £10. OQRS
Which IARU Bureau is the fastest? The hunt is on to find the Bureau service that sends out the fastest Bureau cards from the batch of VK9MT QSL cards.
On Monday June 2nd, eleven thousand QSL cards were sent to World Bureaus. Included in this posting was over 1,000 VK9MT Bureau cards. Have you got yours yet?
Let me know if you have? Please drop me an email, I am looking for the fastest sorters in the World!
Bureau does NOT mean slow!
Sorry for the downtime on Saturday 7th June, both the website and the OQRS were offline for a few hours. The server data centre was becoming unreliable and our IT manager has now moved us to reliable data centre. Sorry for any inconvenience today.
Normal service resumed. Thank you.