Author - Tim Beaumont

HI2DX Saona Island NA-122 QSL Preview


Here is the QSL Preview for HI2DX Saona Island NA-122 DXpedition. QSL cards will be printed in the first week in January, I expect all direct cards to be posted end of January. Bureau cards will be sent to all World Bureaus in my February mailing.


M0URX Christmas Post

Today I posted out my last bundle of letters before Christmas. My next QSL mailing will be on 27th December.

OQRS is open as normal and all QSL requests will be processed through the Christmas week ready for the next dispatch.

Merry Christmas to everyone, thank you to you all for a very busy QSL service through 2014

2015 Bureau Policy for M0URX


M0URX United Radiio QSL Service values the bureau system very much and recognises the DX’ers need to use the system to receive QSL cards for stations they work.
2014 has seen the RSGB conducting a Bureau Review in which it looked at the usage of the RSGB Bureau system by QSL managers here in the UK, in which I have been co-operatiing with the RSGB to find a way forward so that you can continue to request QSL cards for Bureau dispatch.
It is important to remember that ALL of my OUTGOING bureau cards are sent to all IARU World bureaus every four months in February, June and October at my expense and NOT Via the RSGB Bureau, so this review took the cost saving to the RSGB in my outgoing bureau expenses into account.
Whilst I can still RECEIVE QSL cards for call signs that are RSGB members or affiliated call signs to the society, I am NOT permitted to receive QSL cards as “QSL Via M0URX” if the call sign is NOT an RSGB member or affiliated call sign.
The only RSGB members that I look after and that do collect incoming QSL cards are: G1VDP, M0URX, OY1OF, PJ4DX.
For ALL other call signs especially ALL DXpeditions you must NOT send me any QSL requests Via Bureau, instead use my OQRS facility here:
NO DXpediton QSL cards should be sent TO ME Via the bureau system, it is costly and very time consuming to process those QSL requests, for this reason United Radio QSL Bureau will be charged by the RSGB per kg for all QSL cards that are incorrectly sent to me for NON RSGB member call signs.
Use the Online QSL Request System OQRS ONLY please.
No Bureau system is free, and therefore I ask you to respect my new Bureau Policy of OQRS ONLY for NON RSGB member call signs. 
Your local IARU Bureau will receive the Online QSL Requests every four months giving you a very fast service.
Thank you for your attention.


HI2DX Update

HI2DX Log Issues
Some work has been done to recover missing QSOs and work is ongoing to repair the log completely, I ask for continued patience while I work through some repairs
I have now re opened the OQRS for HI2DX. 
QSL Via M0URX for DIRECT but for Bureau please ONLY use OQRS.
Please do not send your card Via bureau  – we do not need it. ONLY use OQRS.
Thank you

MX0LDG QSL cards Posted


155 letters for MX0LDG posted 4th December 2014. Also posted are the latest 4W/G3ZEM QSL requests.

QSL Cards Arrived!


We all love to receive QSL cards and this week SV2YC, Dimitri sent me a photo which made me smile. Dimitri requested a pack of QSL cards from the stations that I am QSL manager for a few days ago.

Thank you Dimitri for the photograph. 

4W/G3ZEM cards posted

K800 QSL-4W-G3ZEM-2

394 letters were posted today for 4W/G3ZEM. Please expect delivery within the next 5 – 7 days. If you also requested MX0LDG, they will be posted next week.

HI2DX Saona Island NA-122

saona dexpedition banner


HI2DX will take place at the end of 2014 by a team of operators leaded by HOTEL INDIA DX CLUB, INC. in a join effort with top DX operators from LOMA DEL TORO DX CONTEST CLUB, RADIO CLUB DOMINICANO, UNION DOMINICANA DE RADIOFICIONADOS UDRA and RADIO CLUB DE SANTIAGO among guest operators from FLORIDA CONTEXT GROUP, and other guest operators joining the team from the US.

To provide the possibility for every amateur radio station in the world – even those running QRP or very simple antennas – to make at least one contact with Saona Island.

To enable all level users and to DXers to put HI2DX in their logs on as many bands and modes as possible.

Besides the Dxpedition we will conduct a MEDICAL OPERATIVE PROGRAM to bring basic medical assistance and donate medications to residents of the island.

SAONA ISLAND is located in the southeastern part of the Dominican Republic

(Lat: 18° 7′ 47.0814″ /Long: -68° 40′ 5.9376″)

Surface area of 110 squared Km.

International Incidents Update

I quite frequently get emails asking me “Why hasn’t my QSL package arrived?” Well you can be sure that we take your QSL requests very seriously indeed!

Sometimes delays in mail transportation can be the result of many International Incidents and may not always be obvious or specific to your region but may be the cause of a delay in the routing of your International Mail.

Incidents such as flooding, earthquake, fire, strike, flight delays, damage to aircraft ILS, war and government restrictions. I have seen all the above incidents causing delays in my time as QSL manager and one way to see if there is an event that could be the cause of your delay look on the “International Incidents Update” page at Royal Mail which gives quite a comprehensive list to incidents around the globe.