Author - Tim Beaumont

EP6T mailing update

An update on the EP6T QSL mailing. I am getting some reports from USA that some letters did not arrive, letters with the post codes beginning 4, 5, 6, & 7. Whilst most letters HAVE arrived it looks like the USPS have mislaid a bundle or incorrectly routed them.

The missing letters were posted on the 17th March in an International mail bag labelled for USORDA Sorting centre in the USA. It would appear that one bundle was then sent to the wrong state. So although I am sure the letter WILL arrive, any non delivery I will just re send from here, no drama so anyones letter that did not arrive should contact me privately. Thank you

A Faroe Island Eclipse

K800 20mars15 0112

On the 20th March 2015 the Faroe Islands was the location for a total eclipse of the sun. Radio Amateur Ólavur Frederiksen, OY1OF has allowed me to show you some of the photographs that he took on that morning.

Thank you Ólavur for sharing these with us. You can see more of Ólavur’s beautiful photography here: 

K800 20mars15 0187









K800 20mars15 2I4B1949

K800 20mars15 0205 






K800 20mars15 F00Q1360K800 20mars15 F00Q1505

Ukraine Bureau Delivers Fast Service


UW5ZM Eugene informs me that he has received a pile of QSL cards from the Ukraine Bureau including EP6T which was only posted from here on the 17th March! Wow once again the Ukraine Bureau delivers a very fast service.

Bureau DOES NOT mean slow!

Thank you Eugene for the photograph!

Can your Bureau match this? Send me a photo if it can!

EA1DFP Quique also sends a photo of his bureau cards received from URE Bureau in Spain today! Well done URE. Thank you


EP6T Bureau Cards Start to Arrive

K800 EP6T confirmation for LZ2JE

Thank you to the Bulgarian QSL Bureau for informing us that the EP6T bureau cards are arriving in Bulgaria. LZ2JE Vesko shows us in the photo of the bureau cards arriving at the destination.

Thank you for the fast service. It is most appreciated.

QSL Bureau CAN be slow, but in our experience the hard work and dedication of its staff as shown here can make the service fast and a cost effective way to distribute QSL cards.

Thank you Vesko!

Have YOU received the EP6T Bureau card? Please let me know.

FAO DL Club Station Operators

I am getting a lot of QSL requests from German Club Station operators for QSL cards under their own personal call sign. Sorry but these will be returned NOT IN LOG!

If you are the operator of the Club Station and you want to claim the QSL for your personal call sign, then you MUST also be logged by the DX with your HOME CALL. The Club Station call sign is not valid for your personal call.

Work continues…….

The work continues since the posting of the EP6T QSL cards last Tuesday. The DXpedition E30FB to Eritrea closed with 62,500 QSO’s and instantly the OQRS was busy with all your requests, already over 2,200 requests have been processed, envelopes printed and placed in trays in country order. Just to give you an idea how many are now using OQRS i have only received 276 direct letters so far for E30FB. Also over 1,000 bureau requests processed.

Other incoming requests have filled a box with 197 outgoing letters that will be posted on Monday, and a new supply of 14 boxes of envelopes ready for your QSL request.

I am waiting for the first bureau cards to land since we posted them on Tuesday! WHICH Bureau is the worlds FASTEST? If you get your bureau cards in the next week or two send me a photo of you with the QSL card for the blog! 

Commercial on You Tube

I have just spotted a commercial on You Tube from a company called MTN Group. It features a boy that wants to discover and uses Amateur Radio to talk to the Space Station. Inadvertently it is probably the best ever commercial for Amateur Radio I have ever seen (It isn’t supposed to be advertising ham radio haha)

The moral of the story is Life is too short for QRP.

1st Class Post for EP6T

K800 20150318 162600

MW0JZE, Anthony was first to report receiving his EP6T QSL card this morning after it was posted yesterday.

Closely followed by 2M0JMN John, thank you for the feedback guys.

I am especially looking for feedback on the bureau cards posted too! How about a photo too please? As soon as you get yours, please let me know! Thank you 

VU2CDPWhile VU2CDP reports receiving the QSL card in just 4 days in Mumbai India!

EP6T QSL Cards Posted


Tuesday 17th March 2015  –

 3,008 Direct letters have been posted for EP6T delivery is between 3 – 7 days.
Packages also sent to GDXF, DDXG & SDXG.

ALL Bureau cards requested before the 8th March have now been sent to all World Bureaus on our mailing today.

I would like to thank Charles M0OXO, who helped me process the letters over the last few days. It has taken over 100 man hours since the arrival of the cards from the printer last week to label cards, fill the envelopes & package the directs and bureau.