Author - Tim Beaumont

TX7T Marquesas 2019

thumbnail TX7T final logo

TX7T will be on air from November 7th until 17th November 2019. Marquesas team have a website for more information, please click TX7T Marquesas 2019.
Logs will be uploaded to M0URX OQRS. Please do not send me emails. If you have a busted or missing call, please use the form on OQRS. Click button “NOT IN LOG”

IOTA: OC-027
Locator: CI00lf
ITU Zone: 63 CQ Zone: 31

Express LoTW for all direct QSL requests. LoTW uploads daily.

Bureau Posting November 2019

QSL cards have been posted to 87 World Bureaus – Monday 11th November 2019
This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles, M0URX Tim & M0SDV Jamie.
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? This feedback will be added to our data below.
This mailing features cards from the recent expeditions,
The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.
Total amount of QSL cards dispatched: 23,541
Via M0URX 8,239
Via M0OXO 12,500
Via M0SDV 1,472
Via MD0CCE 941
Via G4IRN 200
Via G4ZIB 189

Total Weight 83,783g (gross weight includes packaging)

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5U9AMO Pierre QRV in November


Pierre, 5U9AMO will be QRV from Niger between 15th November to 25th November 2019
CQWW CW contest + CW activity before and after.

“In the 2013 and 2018 QTH i had problems with high noise level on low bands. This year i will have another QTH with more space for the antennas. I will try to install a 90 meters BOG and a pennant antenna. Unfortunately there is not enough land for a beverage.”
– Yaesu FT-991 transceiver (100 watts output).
– 13.8 volts DC 23 Ampers power supply.
– Spiderbeam 404-UL multiband antenna (10m to 40m).
– Inverted ‘L’ with 9:1 UnUn for 30m, 60m, 80m and 160m.
– 2 Spiderbeam 12 meters telescopic fiber masts.
– 1 Spiderbeam radial connection box.
– 2 x 25m Messi & Paoloni Hyperflex 5 coaxial cable.
– Win-Test logging software.

MD/OP2D QSL Preview

K1600 QSL-MD-OP2D---300gr--glanslaminaat

A DXpedition doesn’t finish when the antennas are pulled down at the end of the day. Work is ongoing for weeks after the team arrive home. Logs have to be collated, emails answered, sponsors terms and conditions must be met. QSL cards have to be designed which means I need a fast turn around from the team to decide on which photographs to use on the QSL card, text needs to be agreed and the with the help of Max ON5UR who has put together another proffesional set of designs for the NBDX Team’s DXpediiton MD/OP2D and the World Wide Flora & Fauna activities QRV as MD/ON4CKM/P from the Isle of Man.
QSL Requests please use OQRS 
K1600 QSL-MD-OP2D---300gr--glanslaminaat-BACK
K1600 QSL-MD-ON4CKM-P---300gr--glanslaminaatK1600 QSL-MD-ON4CKM-P---300gr--glanslaminaat-BACK

Calling A DX Station When QRP

QRP operators have a tough time out there in the pile up, not only are the high power stations loud and often wide but with Solar Minimum with SFI at 66 or just a little higher, every Watt of power the QRP’er uses has to be used wisely and with much greater skill than everyone else. 
So from the DXpedition’s point of view how can you hone your skill into getting your call into the log. Firstly, most of the DX Teams are trained and thrive on pulling weak signals out of the noise and your callsign is the only thing the team wants to hear at this point.
Listen to the band, find a clear spot in the pile up either using your band scope or using VFO B, this will give you that edge. In any pile-up most callers will be at the bottom or top of the listening range so find somewhere in the middle that will allow you to be heard.
Just use your callsign when calling, it is very easy to cause harm in a pile up and slow the DX station down, if the DX operator loses concentration his Q rate goes down which helps no one, so resist from using /QRP. If the DXpedition can hear /QRP he can hear your callsign, once the DX has had to return “/QRP?” You have already lost his Q rate, concentration to boot. All he needs is your callsign.
Here is what the Radio Regulations say:

Article 19 of the Radio Regulations (2016) state –

19.45 § 21 1) The twenty-six letters of the alphabet, as well as digits in the cases specified below, may be used to form call signs. Accented letters are excluded.

19.46 2) However, the following combinations shall not be used as call signs:

19.47 a) combinations which might be confused with distress signals or with other signals of a similar nature;

19.48 b) combinations in Recommendation ITU-RM.1172-0 that are reserved for the abbreviations to be used in the radiocommunication services. (WRC-15)

Recommendation M.1172 which is primarily a Maritime Mobile Service document says –

     1 The series of groups listed in this Annex range from QOA to QUZ.

So, it is clear the Q operating codes do not form part of the call sign. By just using your Callsign, in a clear part of the DX operators listening range will stand you a much better chance of getting in the log, this will then also help the DX station work you and keep his concentration and Q rate and help others get in the log too!

NOT IN LOG? Here is what to do.

Please note that I do not accept “Busted call” emails or “Not In Log” emails. You will not get a reply!
If you have a case where you find that your call is incorrect or missing from the log simply click “NOT IN LOG?” button and fill in the form on the OQRS. 
All such inquiries will be sent to a work queue for checking. So you should not be sending me emails. 
VERY IMPORTANT – READ the Last QSO in the log: date and time. If your QSO is after that… WAIT for a log update.

MD/OP2D Isle of Man


K800 Logo
NB DX Team is on the road again
Callsign : MD/OP2D
Date: 21-27 September 2019
Location : Isle of Man

Team :

QSL Information

QSL ONLY VIA M0URX – United Radio QSL Management Bureau
OQRS (Online QSL Request System) 

NO incoming Bureau – ONLY OQRS for Bureau

M0XXT/P from the Cotswold Hills

K1600 file5
I only went out to get some groceries….. and was gone 24 hours! I ended up driving to the Cotswold Hills to visit Callum, M0MCX,  from DX Commander, You Tube channel and Tom, M0RMY who were testing out one of the DX Commander verticals, well it would be rude not to say hello! On a lovely summers day the perfect tonic, a drive into the countryside and a dabble at some RF.
The live stream on Callum’s You Tube channel was great fun, I felt it brought the viewers into the shack with some banter and enabled them to be involved in the testing of the antenna, this also gave us a window on to the pile up. QSL Via M0URX OQRS
Thank you to Callum and to Tom for letting me join in the DX fun at M0XXT/P.
K1600 file3