The A35T DXpedition is now packed up and ready to go. We will have three stations running Elecraft K3 transceivers with a KX3 as a backup radio, two Elecraft KPA500 amps, an Expert Amp 1.3, three KIO hex beams 20 through 6, and four Spiderpoles for the lower frequencies. We anticipate having our stations on 160 – 30 MHz during night hours, and the hex beams for 20 – 6 meters during daylight hours. We hope to be able to provide Qs on 160 to EU to fill the great need for that band. Our operation is scheduled for 18 – 28 February, not the 24th as previously reported. Even though K5NA and K5DU will be tending to a family emergency and not able to make the trip, we hope to have guest op Hiro A31MM, who recently moved to Tonga, joining us during our stay.