MX0LDG using new 7 band Hexbeam

K800 DSC 0104

MX0LDG IOTA DXpedition to Isles of Scilly EU-011 this week are using the new 7 Band Broadband Hexbeam by MW0JZE Anthony. 

The 7 band Hexbeam includes a 40m dipole element. The team will be using this antenna on 40m so please listen for them and work them from wherever you are in the World, Anthony would very much appreciate genuine signal reports on this band.

You can read more about the MW0JZE 7 Band Hexbeam 40m – 6m by clicking on the link.

The team very much look forward to working you all on Isles of Scilly, St Mary’s Island.

The team have no internet so logs will be uploaded after the DXpediton. 

QSL Via M0URX Direct & (Bureau OQRS only). Please do not send us any bureau cards for this activity.

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Tim Beaumont