1. We know of the recent earthquake in Chile. The boat has an on-board tsunami alert system that tracks our position against the event. The skipper informs us that we are not in any danger whatsoever. However, he did say if we see him running, we would best be right behind him.
2. We’ve had some e-mail server problems but they now seem to be resolved, we are sending and receiving e-mail. The logs were sent to our
QSL manager. If you get duplicate e-mails please delete as necessary. I don’t have the time to fix the distribution lists.
3. The team is now well into a daily operating routine, which, weather permitting, we will follow for the rest of the expedition.
4. The equipment continues to work well. We are aware there was a CW keying issue with one of the stations, this should now be resolved.
5. The 160 antenna is installed and should get a workout tonight.
6. The pile-ups continue to be energetic and fun. We’re getting good cooperation from the DX community, although at times things can get chaotic when the pile-up attempts to control the operator. We know our call sign, please don’t repeat it to us.
7. We want you in the log, so please follow the op’s instructions.