9M6DXX/P & 9M6XRO/P OC-295 & OC-133 – Also 9M6/G3USR


Following their operation from Sebatik Island (OC-295) from 24 to 27 September (see below), John, 9M6XRO; Steve, 9M6DXX, and Gordon, G3USR, will operate as 9M6XRO/P, 9M6DXX/P and 9M6/G3USR respectively, from Labuan Island OC-133, from 5 to 8 October inclusive (and possibly approx 0000-0200GMT on 9 October). Activity will be on SSB, CW and RTTY with two stations using amplifiers to a Hexbeam, verticals and a 160m inverted-L very close to the ocean. All bands from 10 to 160 metres will be used. QSL 9M6XRO/P and 9M6DXX/P via M0URX, and 9M6/G3USR via home call.
73, Steve, 9M6DXX

9M6XRO, 9M6DXX, 9W6AMC, 9W6LEE and G3USR plan to activate the rare IOTA island of Pulau Sebatik, OC-295, from 24 to 27 September inclusive. The operation will be on 10 – 80m with the emphasis on 15 – 40m. Two stations will be used with amplifiers to a HexBeam and verticals located directly above the sea water. Callsigns will be 9M6XRO/P on CW and 9M6DXX/P on SSB and it is hoped to have both stations on the air during all the major openings to Europe and North America. OC-295 has only been claimed by 14.2% of IOTA participants, having been activated just once before, in July 2006. QSL both callsigns via M0URX, direct, bureau, or LoTW. See Sebatik Island  for further details and for a link to M0URX’s on-line QSL request form for both direct and bureau cards.

The operators of the 2010 OC-295 Sebatik Island DXpedition would like to thank IREF.Inc CDXC Chiltern DX Club & GMDX for their generous sponsorship of this DXpedition.

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Tim Beaumont