Archive - June 2021

Bespoke OQRS Introduces Satellite Features

A big week as far as i am concerned for Bespoke OQRS as we upgrade to Version 5.6.0. The main reason for this update was to introduce the capability for Satellite operation for the first time. I would certainly like to hear from you if you are planning a Satellite DXpediton? Bespoke OQRS is here for Satellite DXpeditions! …. Make us your first choice!

1.    All the 150 operating modes added in a new table and can be used in the QSO Edit function (modified files)
2.    SAT mode added to upload properly, Edit QSO, Add New QSO, print on the labels the SAT Name, BAND_RX and PROP_MODE=SAT, and also export these fields to adif.
(modified files)
3.    The 3 cm band added and shown properly in log search result, in every lists, tables, labels, exported adif files and emails are sent by OQRS. These changes are very complex and affect most of the files and functions. (modified files:)

United Radio QSL Bureau Update

A few months ago I considered closing the Bureau option on some of my call signs on OQRS as the demands and costs are getting unsustainable. I actually decided NOT to do that and at this current time, all Bureau cards are now ready to be dispatched in the next couple of weeks.
However, the global pandemic has caused a major restriction on air freight worldwide which has led to enormous increases in costs. For example, 10 small packages to ARRL have increased from £14 in total to £103, while the parcel to Japan JARL from £50 to £160, if you multiply the increases to all 90 IARU Bureau destinations the cost is quite a shock to bare.

I therefore had no choice but to introduce a $0.30c charge on Bureau cards on OQRS to help alleviate losses in my future Bureau mailings.

I appreciate to some, this may not be very popular but let me stress, this is NOT about making money. Applying a small charge/contribution will go a huge way to combat the deficit in Postage Costs to World Bureau’s. Without it the Bureau service will cease.
So you think Bureau is free? Since February 2014 we have paid £5,051.05 to get the Bureau cards posted… Free is not a word i recognise!

Thank you for your understanding…