Archive - November 2015

Helping with the bureau load!

We are under increasing pressure to reduce the cost burden to both our own bureau, and the IARU bureaus in processing tens of thousands of bureau requests each year. So to help in this matter we will be sending the following email to all “Multi Bureau QSL requests” to ask the claiment for a donation towards costs. In return the QSL cards will be sent directly and delivered to you at the earliest opportuninity and lightening the load for the bureau system.
Thank you for your understanding!
“Thank you for the multiple “Bureau” QSL OQRS request received. Due to an ever increasing bureau workload I would like to ask you to consider a small donation, and these QSL cards will be posted to you DIRECT.
£3 GBP up to 4 QSL cards
£5 GBP up to 10 QSL cards
Payable via PayPal to [email protected]
The financial burden from bureau requests to both the QSL manager and the IARU bureau is an ever increasing problem. In order to keep these financial costs to a lower level we are now asking multiple QSL requests to consider paying a small fee.
In return instead of receiving those QSL cards in maybe one year through your bureau, we will mail out the QSL cards to you by direct post as soon as possible.
Thank you for considering our request.”

TT8AMO QSL Preview


The QSL for Pierre TT8AMO has been designed and will be in the print room and ready to post in early December.


PJ4/OE7PGI QSL Preview


The QSL for Philipp PJ4/OE7PGI has been designed and will be in the print room and ready to post in early December.


Thank you to Bernie Daily DX

old ircs2

A new week and another incoming package of old International Reply Coupons donated to “UR QSL Bureau”

Thank you to Bernie McClenny W3UR / Daily DX for the donation of 100+ IRC’s that will be used to pay for printing of DXpedition QSL cards and the posting of Bureau QSL cards to the world IARU Bureaus.

Do you have any old out of date IRC’s in your shack drawer?
if you would like to donate them I can make good use of them. Thank you