Welcome to 7Q5MLV

Welcome to the United Radio QSL Bureau to Marc 7Q5MLV, Marc lives in Mzuzu, Malawi

“My Malawian full amateur radio license was granted to me on 5th May 2022 by MACRA in consideration of my United Kingdom full license, which was issued to me in 1999 with the call sign M0CMC. I still maintain this call sign. My United Kingdom novice license, issued in 1996, was M1AOQ.  I finally got back on the air in June 2024.” Marc has a Yaesu FT-DX10 with an ACOM 1010 to a DX Commander Signature 12.4.

A double QSL card is being designed and will be ready for November posting. LoTW certificate is also being applied for.

ZD7VJ St Helena Island

Whilst in London, I was able to meet up with ZL7VJ Andy (5Z4VJ) and discuss his QSL arrangements for his activity on St Helena Island. At this time Andy is in the process of moving location in Nairobi, and his logs are in storage. When Andy has access to the logs and is back in Kenya he will send me the logs for OQRS, these we hope will also include historical log data from his ZD7VJ activity. His next activity from St Helena is expected to be in November.
Please check back on my website as this is where the update will appear. We plan to have QSL cards printed and LoTW will be uploaded once the certificates can be acquired. Thank you for your patience.

VP6WR QSL Preview

The VP6WR QSL card for the recent Pitcairn Island DXpedition, by Bill Rothwell G0VDE, has been designed and will soon be in the print-room. QSL designed by Max ON5UR.

VK2/W7BRS QSL’s Posted

QSL cards from the VK2/W7BRS expedition to Lord Howe Island in July have been posted on Thursday 3rd October.

I now have photographs for the KH8T, VP6WR and FO/G0VDE QSL designs and these will be the next for Max ON5UR our designer to work through.

KH8T Final Log Update

KH8T American Samoa log update has been uploaded to Bespoke OQRS and to LoTW. All.txt files received and inquiries completed. LoTW is currently down so last 500 Qs will be uploaded to LoTW once it is back online. KH8T OQRS open: